Nitro Member
Hmmmm, a new batch of rumors Drag Racing Internet Magazine - Competition - THE IHRA'S 13? I guess I would say planning on 13 events would be a move in the right direction. My gut is starting to tell me that the IHRA has everything in place for next year but they are holding out, like they did with the alky funnies a couple of years ago, in hopes to lure in some sponsors to foot the bill. I don't like that they are keeping everyone in the dark, but it seems to be the way they have done business the last few years.
"Holding out" as you said - if true - is a very bad play if that's what IHRA is doing. And really - only they know what that is. We can pass rumors around and speculate about what's going to happen - or even some of the things the IHRA proposed would happen (ie: Nitro Funny Cars). But until an official announcement is made - it means nothing.
We can't assume it's 'business as usual' - since... well... it's not. There are new owners.
The frustration is that many teams and sponsors and tracks and potential sponsors are all sitting around trying to figure out exactly what they want to do next year concerning drag racing.
So the problem as I see it is the longer they wait to tell all of us what's going on the bigger a problem it can become for IHRA and all of us who like to play over there. At some point someone has to show some direction and a vision for what this 'new IHRA' is going to look like.
Otherwise, everyone will start making other plans based on what is 'known'. And that may... or may not include IHRA since no one really knows what that is...
So... speculate what you (we) will. But that fact is it's past time to plan for 2009. I fear the idea of including IHRA in a 2009 plan is quickly closing for some of us.