Nitro Member
I'm just going to leave this over here....
Yep. I was thinking either Jeg or Matt Smith. Matt's mentioned going top fuel racing if the opportunity arises.
I'm just going to leave this over here....
dave connely +top fuel dragster + good crew chief = championship
here's the problem for Connolly, In Pro Stock he is an absolute terror on the tree and can handle the car with the best of them. In top Fuel, it is all about the tuner and the tuneup, the driver is an afterthought, as far as the primary success of the car, so i'll be very surprised if his success in prostock transfers over to TF.
I agree on the tuner part, but will hold off on the tree part. Guys like Langdon and Massey still pull the win light off their RT talents, even though it is more rare in TF than in PS. Dave is not the average talent on the tree, and if he's paired with a legit tuner, I think he'll find success pretty quickly. Time will tell.