I think that says it all..."The irony of the information age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion."
Or as a very wise mentor once told me ... "Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it is wrong"
I think that says it all..."The irony of the information age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion."
And you speak for the nhra. You said this and I took it as a threat and something that was going to happen
I would be very surprised if there's not some serious repercussion from this. There's a reason that you don't hear language like that on network TV. Cable is different, but the rules for Network TV are quite strict. An "S" bomb on FS1 isn't the same as an "F" bomb on FOX
If the fcc fines him he needs to step up and understand this is how it it. My comments are entirely concerned with the nhra fining him.
And in the meantime mind your own business. Don’t tell me how to spend my moneyKeep drinking the koolaid. It’s good for you
Wayne, I'm not one to go to bars and look for large men but to each their own... Walking up to anyone and saying FU to their face is confrontational and most if any words to follow will do little to quell the emotions they will undoubtedly share in return. What Force did(said) was not directed at anyone in particular nor confrontational, just base somewhat Tribal yell verbage. If someone gets mad or upset it was because they wanted to be mad or up set.Hey Bill, go up to the biggest guy in the bar and say FU to his face and tell him its just a word. Then call him puritan. LOL!!![]()
And Ted yes it would surprise me that puritans would be drag racing fans, kinda why I said it. No one knows Forces state of mind and how big that win was or wasn't for him except him. I will admit I have let words fly at inappropriate time due to an event or action that pushed that button, even though normally that wouldn't be my conduct.
Until you have walked in the persons shoes you are judging ...lighten up Francis's that all Im saying.
I guess you've never heard of Racers for Christ.
You ought to attend one of their services and tell them how you don't think they are real fans of drag racing.
Puritan means something different to religious. I would think a Puritan is the ‘Won’t somebody please think of the children?!’ type.I guess you've never heard of Racers for Christ.
You ought to attend one of their services and tell them how you don't think they are real fans of drag racing.
This is how you judge a person Ted? Actions will always speak louder than words IMO.Besides, does anybody think NHRA would actually penalize their golden boy for cussing on live TV? He's about all they've got left.
If people want to cuss like the proverbial sailor, that's their prerogative. However, their words say a lot about their true character. Plus, when and where those words are used also says a lot about that person.