as long as you don't compare John to VH's "5150" album.......
5150 Hold
Under California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC)
5150, an individual can be placed (
involuntary) to a locked psychiatric facility, for an evaluation for up to 72 hours. A
peace officer,
registered nurse, medical doctor, or certain other categories of people may place the hold. Three criteria apply - the individual is assessed to be: a danger to themselves, a danger to others, or "gravely disabled" (per WIC 5008 - such is defined as an individual's lack of ability, due to their mental illness, to provide for their food, clothing, or shelter).
As the individual in question is likely in a state of distress (highly symptomatic), and likely also causing a disturbance in the community, it is not uncommon for police to be the party who places them on the 5150 hold and then takes the individual to the hospital for further assessment. Over the next 72 hours, the hospital / psychiatrist must determine the individuals need for further locked psychiatric detainment. If the individual's condition clears up and they are no longer a danger to others or themselves or gravely disabled, they are released from the hospital. If, however, they remain a danger to others or themselves or continue to be gravely disabled, the hospital/psychiatrist must then request a 5250 hold to thereby keep the individual in the hospital beyond the 72-hour limit of the 5150 hold.