Nitro Member
Possibly the stupidest quote I have read on the Mater... EVER!

Possibly the stupidest quote I have read on the Mater... EVER!
When will someone step up and take the blinders off. NHRA needs to ASK, RECEIVE and then LISTEN to the input from all current chassis builders, not just one. Sorry, no knee jerk reactions allowed this time. This would mean that some people would have to perform the job in which they are being paid for. I know that with such a novel approch it would meet stiff resistance because it's logical and it involves WORK. (sorry for the 4 letter word)
When was the last time one of Steve, Dave or Brad's chassis came apart? Everyone is so interested in building a better mousetrap, that they won't listen to the original trap builders. We teach our kids the knowledge is priceless. I'd like to think that all of the drivers are.........PRICELESS.
Fire bottles are ready and the pin pulled, flame on.