Here's the problem, you still have 14-17 PS cars showing up. And even the part timers have a lot invested. What does eliminating the class do? Replacing it with factory stock is kind of redundant, we already have them out there, and they're great. But changing what you call them isn't going to pack the stands. Part of the problem is we're just in a whole different world than when this all began. We all love the Pro Mod cars, and I'm glad they are getting more attention, but many fans don't stick around to watch them. Hell, many fans don't even stick around for Sunday anymore, getting their fill on Saturday. Somehow fans have become trained to head to the stands for nitro, and leave when the session is done. So what are we trying to accomplish by replacing PS with factory stock, or PM like some people want? I'm just playing devil's advocate. If you really want a new class that fills the stands or keeps people in them, the answer may be an 8 car modern style (transformer) AA/FA category. Which is one type of dragster/FC combo. I certainly don't have the answers, but I think it starts with what the goals are.