Nitro Member
a topic for the ages.......
to kill a murderer for the betterment of society; to prevent the convicted
from murdering again; the constant struggle of good over evil.
does capital punishment in fact deter murderous acts? lessoning the
frequency of murders and protecting innocent lives? or does it not
deter and we only sacrfice the lives of murderers?
i guess the argument is it's better for a society to error on the side
of safety for it's innocent and uphold capital punishment, believing that
the act does in fact deter violent crime and prevent those that do
murder from ever murdering again.
I have a hard time with this issue as i'm a believer in the sanctity of life.
it a precious gift that has been given to us by God and not to be
decided for or against by ourselves.
I also realize one may never know their true feelings on this issue unless
one's life is impacted directly by violent crime; i pray that mine and my
family's never is.
i'd be interested to know the costs associated with a state's
killing of a murderer on death row?
to kill a murderer for the betterment of society; to prevent the convicted
from murdering again; the constant struggle of good over evil.
does capital punishment in fact deter murderous acts? lessoning the
frequency of murders and protecting innocent lives? or does it not
deter and we only sacrfice the lives of murderers?
i guess the argument is it's better for a society to error on the side
of safety for it's innocent and uphold capital punishment, believing that
the act does in fact deter violent crime and prevent those that do
murder from ever murdering again.
I have a hard time with this issue as i'm a believer in the sanctity of life.
it a precious gift that has been given to us by God and not to be
decided for or against by ourselves.
I also realize one may never know their true feelings on this issue unless
one's life is impacted directly by violent crime; i pray that mine and my
family's never is.
i'd be interested to know the costs associated with a state's
killing of a murderer on death row?