Evan Knoll's Last Hurrah! (1 Viewer)

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It only cost 1/5th of Solyndra and was a lot more fun to see the results of the spending.
It only cost 1/5th of Solyndra and was a lot more fun to see the results of the spending.

Awww, that's cute.

"Knoll's perceived success in the racing industry was based on the money he was stealing from the American people. Mr. Knoll now faces severe consequences for his actions," said Erick Martinez, special agent in charge of the IRS criminal investigation, in a news release issued Wednesday.

"It is shocking how much federal tax money was stolen by this defendant. Evan Knoll lied to banks, accountants, business partners, his employees, the community he lived in and to the Internal Revenue Service for many years," said U.S. Attorney Pat Miles in the same news release.
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Aww, get your feelings hurt? :( How about this, it only cost us 2/10ths of 1 percent what the taxpayers lost on Government Motors ($35 Billion).

Waste and fraud on any level and by any Administration or Political Party sucks, feelings hurt NFW.

Just not being a hyp·o·crite as so many do.
How exactly was he getting this money?

Evan Knoll, whose Torco Racing is also known as General Sales and Service (GS&S), admitted he created false documents between September 2004 - February 2008 that showed his company sold large amounts of tax-exempt racing fuel. He then used those records to file with the IRS and requested refunds for the fuel taxes he supposedly paid.

Overall, he requested refunds of more than $100 million from the IRS, and received more than $80 million in refunds.
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Posted on Comp Plus.. still feel all this proves he has the background and the resumee to run for office in Washington...lol...
I cant believe he is out of jail until November,guess they dont consier him a flight risk lol. Guess EK statement of coming back badder
than ever isnt the case.
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