Evan Knoll again (1 Viewer)

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Evan doesn't strike me as the "settle" kind of guy. He seems like the "fight it until my last dime" kind of guy. But who knows...

I think Mr. Knoll spent HIS last dime a long time ago, he's been spending other people's dimes (and dollars) for a long time now.
Ahh dont worry E K will be back badder and richer than ever,remember he said that a year ago haha
It probably took a couple of years for the Government office in Kalamazoo to craft a case against Paw Paw Michigan's favorite son Evan Knoll. I'm proud to have been defriended from Mr. Knoll's My Space page four years ago.
I guess the jury has spoken.:rolleyes: I don't personally know if he is guilty or not, but I do know that I don't always trust the government and if at this point Evan says he is completely innocent of these charges and plans on fighting them then I will give him the benefit of the doubt. We'll see how it all pans out, but my gut says that if the government really thought he stole 80 million then he'd already be in chains. I think they are fishing for a settlement for something else.


Evan looks a lot different without his Torco hat :confused:
I find it interesting that a judge has ordered a mental evaluation for this man. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was the obscure TV preacher from the First Church of Nitro that came out of no where and wooed people with money that wasn't his.

I Remember when all this was happening and the sport was surviving largely on his fraudulent tax payer funds. He is like so many leaches out there that are responsible for ballooning our debt with their schemes that it's now impossible to pay off. Sadly there are many more like Mr. Knoll that have mortgaged our children's future thanks to programs like this one that enabled Mr. Knoll to cheat.

He was flying around on a jet with hot women and was made larger than life. We all asked ourselves how can this man sponsor so many cars when all he does is blend and sell some racing fuel? We all knew it was a fraud. Did he really think he could get away with this? And if so for how long?
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His "sales" numbers never ever added up. He was telling his sponsored teams that his racing fuels sales exceeded $300 million, annually. But as long as the checks kept clearing, no one wanted to discuss it.
This is totally unbelieveable.
This is another perfect example of how inept public service and the goverment is in this country.
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