Don Schumacher (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
I want to thank you for being the only one big name pro to be tough enough to stick it out on the old Mater. The evil empire was B.S.. You and all the other multi car teams started with just one car and as you added cars they had to pay their own way or you would not be able to play. (Except may be Conrad) You have taking a beating on here for every move you have made and are still here.

When the mater love fest is over and they drop the pom-poms and put the gloves back on I know you will not run.

Thanks again,
John McGuire
Like I wrote to Mr. Jannard, I would also like to thank Mr. Schumacher for all he's done for our great sport of Drag Racing! There's alot of places these two gentlemen could spend their hard earned money, I'm just glad they chose our sport of Drag Racing.:)
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How's that???

I might be wrong, but I don't think big is bad. He put the deals together. Why should there be a limit as to how many cars you can have? Just because he is better at marketing the product than someone else? Is Torco also an evil empire? Free enterprise!
I'm not sure the empire is evil and, don't know if I agree with bigger is better (or not). I can only hope the sport isn't headed in the direction of unlimited hydroplane racing because of expense and multicar expansion. I'd guess as a business person, Don has more to protect than most in this sport and as a result, considers it's health with great scrutiny.
Love em or hate em you have to respect him for what he as done/and is doing. There would be more than a few drivers on the sideline if it wasnt for the empire!

Is he the 1st owner to win a TF and FC championship in the same year?
Love em or hate em you have to respect him for what he as done/and is doing. There would be more than a few drivers on the sideline if it wasnt for the empire!

Is he the 1st owner to win a TF and FC championship in the same year?

I'm not reading your post, I can't stop looking at that SWEET Avatar.:cool:
I have said many times that I would not trade places with Shoe for anything, but you still gotta love that he takes on all comers and challenges, and in most cases given the time and resources, produces results.
I have said before and again, I have the utmost respect for Shoe, as a team owner, and a business man. I root for all his teams to do well. If he wants 13 teams, I'm all for it!!!
Seems to me everyone's forgetting that Don's done all of this the old fashioned way, "He earned it!"

I seem to remember back in 1999, after Tony won the championship, and even though he had won the championship, Exide withdrew primary sponsorship (Exide got bought out, or had financial problems, or a combo of the two.) and there was some doubt as to whether they were going to make Pamona's opener that next Feb. until the Army stepped up.
Shoe was also very successful with his 3 car team in the early 70's,this deal now is just on a larger scale.
I want to thank you for being the only one big name pro to be tough enough to stick it out on the old Mater. The evil empire was B.S.. You and all the other multi car teams started with just one car and as you added cars they had to pay their own way or you would not be able to play. (Except may be Conrad) You have taking a beating on here for every move you have made and are still here.

When the mater love fest is over and they drop the pom-poms and put the gloves back on I know you will not run.

Thanks again,
John McGuire

I have to agree. I was always amazed when he would come on and explain the details of a post that was some sort of rumor that those people started.

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