Nitro Member
Jim and Mike,
No offense but it sure seems that you guys are complaining about this for purely self-centered reasons.
If not, then answer my question as to what race are you going to put in the current Memphis date? How do you coordinate that with the rest of schedule? And... by moving Memphis and putting that date someplace else aren't you just moving the population center for the people who will then complain about "their" race being miserable because of the weather?
And your complaints about parking issues and other stuff is falling entirely on deaf ears. Because that's the way NHRA operates at just about every single national event on the tour!!
There are a ton of issue that go into when and where the races are going to be held. And weather isn't at the top of the list.
...they also need to do something with that strange schedule @ the start of the year.You have Pomona,Phoenix,G'ville then back across the country for Vegas.With the cost of fuel,they really need to look @ this...
That's makes total sense when you realize that those races draw from overlapping population centers. Phoenix and Pomona are far enough apart and Phoenix draws from regions outside of Pomona. But if you threw Vegas in on top of that you'd have a huge overlap and over-saturation.... If you ask me,they also need to do something with that strange schedule @ the start of the year.You have Pomona,Phoenix,G'ville then back across the country for Vegas.With the cost of fuel,they really need to look @ this,it seems crazy to me but then again,who am I.
Jim and Mike,
No offense but it sure seems that you guys are complaining about this for purely self-centered reasons.
If not, then answer my question as to what race are you going to put in the current Memphis date? How do you coordinate that with the rest of schedule? And... by moving Memphis and putting that date someplace else aren't you just moving the population center for the people who will then complain about "their" race being miserable because of the weather?
And your complaints about parking issues and other stuff is falling entirely on deaf ears. Because that's the way NHRA operates at just about every single national event on the tour!!
There are a ton of issue that go into when and where the races are going to be held. And weather isn't at the top of the list.
Sportsman car counts are down at all national events... so what's your point.... Sportsman car counts were down & the stands were less than capacity. I talked to several racers who said these conditions were ridiculous.
Thank you, Larry!! I knew there were more than a couple of us on here that get this point.And a week ago it was 99 and muggy in Norwalk and Maple Grove and even Epping, NH. Your point???
Thankfully, the NHRA has finally seen the error of their ways. I've been informed that next year's race will in fact be moved from the month of August. That's really all I wanted/needed to hear. Simple as that.
And they've replaced it with a race at another track where it gets very hot in August.
Why do people in Memphis think it only gets hot there in the summer?