Whit made two mistakes as I see it. He expressed his immediate emotions within earshot of someone who might likely publish or relay to a publisher what they heard, and he didn't talk to Rod about what happened before expressing those emotions.
All true Bob... Not sure which column to put you in, on my list of Whit fans...

I'm not sure it is really any big secret that Whit and Hot Dawg are not the best of teamates with eachother since they joined forces... It is Whit's problem, but on his resume, it clearly states; DOES NOT PLAY WELL WITH OTHERS...

And all this talk about Matco switching over to Dog's ride, and booting Whit from his... Please, grow up like the man your bashing needs to do a little more... I'm sure that Whit is extremly frustrated at watching his teammate dominate this season, and is wondering what he has to do to win one of these things... Whit and Beard are just not getting the breaks they could use... BTW- If you look at that pic that Asher took, looks like the camera is still rolling to me...
Why did Force get in Beards face a few years ago again?? And was part of the opening for NHRA DR shows...

Garlits never lost it, or Shirley, Prudhomme, Force, Kalitta, on and on and on... This is a sport that has a very short fuse, so why would it be a surprise that the drivers have one as well...
This sport is all about emotion and passion, that's why I never left and love it so much...
Voice your opinions on this however you see fit...
But I will always be a huge Whit fan...
What would Hip say?? I'm sorry I never knew that Man...
BTW- Standard Operating Procedure> JMO