I was at the late OCIR once, standing by the fence at the top end (pit side). A dragster made a pass, and I heard THUNK. The rods came out & hit the ambulance which was parked next to me. No one hurt, but the radiator severely wounded. Saw the infamous incident, again OCIR, where Larry Bowers pitched out the clutch & bellhousing, etc about 3/4 of the way down. All that went over the finish line stands & into the pits. Miracle, no one hit. Saw a T/F car at Firebird, spit out a spark plug. Watched the plug go over the stands I was in (spectator side). Told the crew guy about it later on & he said "Oh yeah?". Oh, AA/FA show at Speedworld in Phoenix, late 80's, and engine "woofed the blower" right in front of us, starting line. What blower bag? Still have a piece of that blower. No one hurt this time.