Hope I don't get in too much trouble for these...
Kenji (seems to be a common theme here), arriving late for a press function:
NHRA official's question: "What's wrong Kenji?"
His response:"Aw, I am a f***ing a rust." (translation...I am ****ing lost.)
Team publicity relations person:
"The problem is having two crew chiefs...John Medlen and Don Meddling (not the person's actual last name)."
One of many Force'isms:
After burning it up in the final round of the Big Bud Shootout.
Steve Evans: "John, you've been living with this threat of fire for many races now!"
Force: "Excitin' ain't it!?!?"
Al Hofmann:
Refering to advice from his crew chief: "He told me to count to four. If it's still running, to close my eyes, throw the chutes and hit the bottles."