like others have all read said...she needs to go...
this is what we should have!
YouTube - Megadeth 1,320 BEST QUALITY
yeah what he said
Well, they are covering the demographics.
They've got techno, rock, and now country done-- three very different demographic segments of people.
But I'll draw the line at letting them bring in a pop-tart (ie Miley, etc.)
Ok, The song, eh, I've heard worse - but who's the brainchild sitting there thinking they need to throw a guitar into the singers hand (done quite a bit in Country Music) to make them "look" more legit. If they are going to do it, someone, anyone, please tell the singer that you're not really supposed to strum the NECK of the guitar.
I call shenanigans..
Ugh no more krista marie singing for the nhra please for the love of god
How about something new and creative?
Here is another tune. I had never heard this song. Maybe not the one for the intros, but pretty cool.
Steve Miller Band - Heart Like a Wheel
If that video gets play, only good can come from it. Thumbs up from me!
How many popular songs can you name that are in aeolian or locrian mode?