Two weeks ago I'm home enjoying a root canal and browsing the channels when I come across this; I guess it's a weekly show that I took as a promotion of "street racing" although I could be misinterpreting the message. These "gentlemen" are bragging about the six figures that they've made on the streets with this 240z. The show probably has added a bunch of drama but the street racing is obviously going on from the many tattoos on the pavement.
A byproduct of this practice in time should be some ugly carnage thus promoting the need of a drag strip in effort to enhance public safety. Isn’t that why Wally started the NHRA in the first place? Sure there are some that would rather hit the streets
but most and especially new-comers will opt for the track so they don't end up with their car impounded, loss of CDL, and a bad record. Not to mention something like a manslaughter charge. Hopefully our Cities will get on board before carnage happens.