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Tim, I knew you were a bull $hitter when you took this money 2 years ago. At the time your friends gave you the benefit of doubt and opened their hearts (and pocketbooks). Look at how you did them. Do you have no shame sir? The truth of what happened will come out, sooner or later. Do us all a favor and just leave!
"It is nobody's business but John, Jason and mine. Unlike my former partners, I won't discuss it."
Tim Charlet

"This forum is not really the place to discuss it, but since you decided to publicly comment on it I will also.

Spin it which ever way makes you feel better. I know what you did, the clients know what you did, and that is all that matters."
John Rogers

I wonder what part of "I won't discuss it" he doesn't understand. :confused:
Now THIS is more like the old Mater! Where`s the popcorn? And for what it`s worth....I got one of those pm`s a couple years ago and didn`t send any $$. I might have been born at night, but it wasn`t last night. Took a lot of huevos to ask for $ from somebody you`ve seen twice in your life, I`ll say that. I couldn`t do it.
Now THIS is more like the old Mater! Where`s the popcorn? And for what it`s worth....I got one of those pm`s a couple years ago and didn`t send any $$. I might have been born at night, but it wasn`t last night. Took a lot of huevos to ask for $ from somebody you`ve seen twice in your life, I`ll say that. I couldn`t do it.

You might be getting a PM for a donation to support his new company:D. What a joke! I feel for the people who were taken advantaged of.
Public Image Communications
Here's a PM I received from "Timmah" after I called him out with the "Yeah, Timmah can fork over the dough he scammed out of the Maters" post I made.

Registered member said:
From your post in the Thread "a new driver for Dunn"

"Yeah, Timmah can fork over the dough he scammed out of the Maters."

You know, I am pretty cool about stuff but If you are refuring to my post in the lounge about me needing help for my kids as "SCAMMING THE MATERS", then you are truly a damaged person.

Perhaps you should read this:


Scroll down to the entry from 8-12-08, read it, and then Please tell me AND THE ENTIRE NITROMATER.COM readers how I SCAMMED the Maters. I'll give you 3 days to respond to this privately AND publicly. Grow some balls and explain yourself you Piece of ****!

My response. Should I post his final response to me after I sent him this one? The one where he professes to be a licensed NHRA driver, and how close he is to realizing his dream? Oh, and how he is going to pay back every cent that was sent to him? And how he really wasn't out blowing money on concerts and stuff, instead of giving it to his kids?

Registered member said:
I am done reading your self absorbed, self promotional bullsh!t.

You'll give me 3 days to respond, or what? What the f*ck are you going to do to me?

You can bet your ass on one thing, I've got balls. In fact, it looks like I was the only one with enough balls to call you on what myself, and others around here, have been thinking.

Yeah, I think you scammed the maters. I almost fell for it, but I am so glad I didn't.

Here's the deal. You profess the need for money for your kids, and then you proceed to post about all the fun things you've been out doing. Things that cost good money that could have gone to your kids, had you truly needed it for them. If you are going to take handouts, don't create the perception that you are blowing the money, or have enough money, to blow on disposable income type events. You are so busy self promoting and acting like such a big shot, that you didn't realize you were sticking your proverbial foot in your mouth.

Have a great day,

If I actually read the posts above mine I wouldn't have posted my question

(So did the $$$$$$$$$$$$ get snorted,gambled,hooker-ed????
Obviously he isnt in jail-yet so wtf happened?)
Last edited:
used as verb........nice........not to be mistaken with 'snooker-ed'

Has anyone here ever played Snooker? I grew up in a small-town pool hall that had 1 Snooker table, 2 8-ball tables, and 3 or 4 domino tables. Life was so simple back then. A game of 8 ball cost you a dime, a CocaCola was a dime, and a burger (from John Robert's) was 50 cents.
Has anyone here ever played Snooker? I grew up in a small-town pool hall that had 1 Snooker table, 2 8-ball tables, and 3 or 4 domino tables. Life was so simple back then. A game of 8 ball cost you a dime, a CocaCola was a dime, and a burger (from John Robert's) was 50 cents.

We have a couple of joints that you can play a round of Snooker in town... Great game- takes a lot of precision to master small pockets and long greens....

NOW- IF you have no dealings with Mr. Charlet and his past issues, show some decorum and stop with the Mrs. Crabapple-like comments. As mentioned, Tim and I HAVE had some association regarding his need for help for his kids, and as mentioned, I have kept quiet on the public forum about that situation. IF you were one that sent some money to him as a donation, you have the right to be upset IF the money was spent in other ways than what was specified, BUT- it was a DONATION. Lots of donations don't always get spent in ways that you may agree with. Beware where you donate.

IF you made him a loan (as he and I came to an agreement on before I sent him the bank wire), AND you have not been rembursed (as Tim has mentioned), then you also have the "right" to ask WHAT the money was spent on. I DO know where the money went- I'm ok with that. WHEN it has been coming back is our issue- but it is OUR issue. The same can be said about anyone that also LENT Tim money. To everyone else worried about how he may have spent money that was not sent by you- think about what that looks like as you post in a public forum (pretty much like a little

I'm sure that folks other than us have a few burrs under their saddle due to some decisions that were made by Mr. Charlet, but that's their horse- it's their responsiblity to deal with those issues. The fact that this trainwreck is being dragged around in a public forum (and in some cases, some people more or less calling those of us naive for doing things that we thought we were right in doing as a good deed) needs to just come to a stop.

Keep him on the hook if he screwed you over- me, as someone who lent him money, doesn't feel "screwed over", just disappointed in all of his actions after the fact (you were pretty public with your activities, Tim- I can't just let that slide- it was a lame excuse, especially now, with this sh!te all coming to light..). His accreditation with me is less than stellar for a valid reason- why is it with you?

I expect there will be a few more posts on this one- too bad. There are lots of us involved that wouldn't mind if this crap all went away. :o
Yeah, maybe we should just brush this guy under the carpet, and let him think he might have gotten away with something. Maybe he will move on to the next message board, and hustle some people there.

Personally, I think all deceitful and conniving people should have the right to continue doing whatever they want, without it being publicized. There should be no consequences whatsoever for their lack of judgement. :rolleyes: At least not publicly.

If one doesn't want their dirty laundry aired publicly, maybe they shouldn't work so hard at being public. You can't have it both ways. When you self promote, and portray yourself in a certain way, you better be able to deal with the consequences of misleading people, especially when you thrive on publicity.

As far as I am concerned, he is being judged by his peers. That is the American way.

Just think, if he had been on the up and up, I'd look exactly like the "piece of s**t" he called me. Funny how this stuff always seems to eventually find it's way out of the bag.
Has anyone here ever played Snooker? I grew up in a small-town pool hall that had 1 Snooker table, 2 8-ball tables, and 3 or 4 domino tables. Life was so simple back then. A game of 8 ball cost you a dime, a CocaCola was a dime, and a burger (from John Robert's) was 50 cents.

never played snooker; although quite the fan of pool.....10' tables w/pockets
will hone your game that's for sure - played frequently when younger; have to
admit i miss the game, but always associated with fun, and fun costs money
and is risky to marriage and infrequently and still enjoy
win or lose..........pool/snooker is logical much like chess
I was sent a private message by a member asking me to leave Nitromater. I agreed to do so. However, It has become apparent to me that this issue won't die or go away either.

I am sorry for the mistakes I have made in my life. Vaughn is 100% right in his assumption that I was a self promoter of things. I was. I wanted the recognition of the PR efforts I was putting forth. If I couldn't drive, I wanted to be "SOMEBODY" in Drag Racing.

I was wrong. I don't deserve it. And I don't want it.

I moved to Hurricane, Utah in order to move on with my life. I started PiC to use my skills to help other business', people and teams with their PR needs. I have personal clients outside of CRX who I had commitments (NOT CONTRACTS...just PERSONAL COMMITMENTS) with (Rick Jackson Racing, SCEDA, PAFCA and Chase Copeland). As of today, I don't have any contracts with any race teams, and quite honestly, I don't want any moving forward.

My business is focused on outside racing efforts. I have obtained (3) new business' locally in which to work. I have a regular job and I'm in the process of saving money to pay back what is owed to people.

So, here is the deal. If I wronged you personally, or if you feel as if I did not use the money which you donated OR in MARTIN'S CASE LOANED ME (Which Martin stated in his post, he KNEW where the money went and was OK with it), then please send me a private message here on the mater, or email me at with your mailing address, and I will return your donation in a timely basis. Martin, I will need your mailing address as well please.


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