Nitro Member
Very good post Nunzio. You can tell by some of the posts on these forums that there are a few that are upset because Nhra has survived as long as it has. They feel that if they don't like Nhra then no one else should either. If Nhra ever did crash then these few would do a happy dance for a week, or at least until the drag race forums stopped and they didn't have any place else to complain.I thought that was a great article by Asher, and really showed some encouraging numbers. We are not living in an easy time, for any business, and the business of motorsports included. So I would take any sign of growth or improvement, in any area of the sport, as great news. But it seems that many here, and on other boards, while they proclaim to love the sport, prefer to look at everything from a "glass half empty" perspective. Is everything in drag racing today perfect? Nope. Is NHRA doing everything right? Nope. But there is a lot going on that is extremely positive. How about Traxxas coming on board, AND bringing back shootouts? How about the continued HUGE support by the Lucas family? The DeJorias? Jegs? And on and on. Ever look at what's happening outside the "Big Show"? All kinds of outlaw series', IHRA Nitro Jams packing the stands, and the growing nostalgia movement, particularly the Nitro Nostalgia FCs, where there are new cars being built seemingly every week. Oh, what about race ready muscle cars being built by the factories? I'll take a positive TV rating anytime, and any other good news that comes along. Ever think that maybe someday we'll look back on this time in drag racing history as "the good old days"?
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