WJ & KJ no money.. no race (1 Viewer)

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NO WJ/KJ would be a devastating blow for P/S and can't imagine how interested I will be without them. I will pull for Justin Johnson but I don't think it would be the same. With NHRA's profit,they should give up the money they get off title sponsorships of the Nat'l events and spread it out to the regulars. Right now I have nothing but bad feelings for the pompous @$$'$ in Glendora. I'm betting they're waiting to see who shows up before they take any action,being reactionary instead of proactive.
The more I read the scarier it gets. Hoping for better news soon. No WJ & KJ in the nhra is unthinkable. They say change is hard but too many things are changing too fast and Pomona is coming fast
I'm sorry but the NHRA needs to step up here. Revise their sponsorship policies, work more with the teams, something other then more lip service and press releases. WJ Enterprises and Kalitta Motorsports are cornerstones of NHRA drag racing. Tommy, Melanie, Hillary, et al... 2009 is shaping up to be a horrible year if you're a fan of drag racing.
Well, 2009 isn't gonna be very good for most of the business world let alone a large portion of the US population. Does everybody think NHRA is so different from the rest of the business world? Even if NHRA helped teams, where do you expect this money to come from? How many boardrooms in corporate America do you think are willing to just spend money to do this. During this economy, I would imagine most corporations would look at this as wasteful spending. Hmmmm ... "Let's see, we are going to sponsor an NHRA Fuel team this year for $3M. By the way, we'll need to layoff 500 workers in support of this". Look at the big picture people. The Energy drink companies were not big (or long term) players.
Well, 2009 isn't gonna be very good for most of the business world let alone a large portion of the US population. Does everybody think NHRA is so different from the rest of the business world? Even if NHRA helped teams, where do you expect this money to come from? How many boardrooms in corporate America do you think are willing to just spend money to do this. During this economy, I would imagine most corporations would look at this as wasteful spending. Hmmmm ... "Let's see, we are going to sponsor an NHRA Fuel team this year for $3M. By the way, we'll need to layoff 500 workers in support of this". Look at the big picture people. The Energy drink companies were not big (or long term) players.
That's really the bigger issue.

This country is in trouble..and in the grand scheme of things..the racing community isn't very high on the ladder of importance.
Don't worry, Obama is going to fix everything....
Shouldn't even go here, but do you think it might be possible to give the guy at least ONE day in office before villifying him simply because he may or may not be of your political party? He might not have the answers, and if not, it will be come apparent, but heck, can't we at least give him a chance? I don't blame all of the current mess on the current administration, but I think maybe a chance at change is worth trying....sorry, I just hate to see someone counted out as a joke before he even takes office...
Shouldn't even go here, but do you think it might be possible to give the guy at least ONE day in office before villifying him simply because he may or may not be of your political party? He might not have the answers, and if not, it will be come apparent, but heck, can't we at least give him a chance? I don't blame all of the current mess on the current administration, but I think maybe a chance at change is worth trying....sorry, I just hate to see someone counted out as a joke before he even takes office...
Heard a great quote on one of the cable news shows the other day. "Regardless of whether you voted for Obama or not, understand that in this difficult time if HE fails, we all fail" !!
Heard a great quote on one of the cable news shows the other day. "Regardless of whether you voted for Obama or not, understand that in this difficult time if HE fails, we all fail" !!
Well said, Jim. To me this can no longer be a political side-choosing--we all need to work together, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans, to work toward a common goal. As Ben Franklin said long ago, "At times like these, we must all hang together, or we most surely will hang separately!"
I find it interesting how similar our president elect and Tom Compton think. One thing's for sure, they'll be taken care of despite the needs of their constituency or ultimately the organization.
Well said, Jim. To me this can no longer be a political side-choosing--we all need to work together, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans, to work toward a common goal. As Ben Franklin said long ago, "At times like these, we must all hang together, or we most surely will hang separately!"

Well said--I wish him (Obama) only the best even thought I did not vote for him and generally do not support his party. Partisan politics is one of the main reasons our country is in the shape we are in now. If something is not done and done quickly, we will not survive. I worry about the future of this country for my children and grandchildrens sake.
Shouldn't even go here, but do you think it might be possible to give the guy at least ONE day in office before villifying him simply because he may or may not be of your political party? He might not have the answers, and if not, it will be come apparent, but heck, can't we at least give him a chance? I don't blame all of the current mess on the current administration, but I think maybe a chance at change is worth trying....sorry, I just hate to see someone counted out as a joke before he even takes office...

As a died-in-the-wool conservative (Republican) I'll admit that I'm very impressed with Obama's suggestions for the business sector. Frankly, they're more in line with Republican business philosophy than liberalism. Let's give the guy our support. He's our best shot. I didn't vote for him, but I'll certainly give him the opportunity to succeed.

My only suggestion to him would be to veto (if he can) Congress' self appointed pay raises. Good God...what an unbelievable thing for them to do in this economy.
Politics room? Please?

Beats me how a thread on the Johnsons being parked turned into a post-election referendum...
Politics room? Please?

Beats me how a thread on the Johnsons being parked turned into a post-election referendum...
Beats me how a thread on the Johnsons being parked turned into a post-election referendum...[/QUOTE]

My fault, Christopher--sorry bout that. At least I did put a disclaimer on it that I knew I shouldn't be going there on this thread, but damned if I didn't anyway!:D
And Bill, point well taken--I'm gonna take a chill pill and go back to trying to imagine Pro Stock without Warren....wow...
So, if Warren is "the Professor", does this mean that School is Out......:D
In a way Warren Johnson not wanting to run out of his own pockit is fair enough at his age , he is probably thinking more about making sure he will be all good money wise for when he chooses to retire then he is about spending his life savings on racing and ending up with no money for his retirement life . Plus we all no his views on the NHRA at the moment unless you have lived under a rock .
So, if Warren is "the Professor", does this mean that School is Out......:D

Nope! We've still got Densham ;)

WJ & KJ are listed as entrants for Pomona and Phoenix on the National Event Entry Status. WJ said they might enter, but wouldn't race without sponsorship.
We can always hope!
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