Why is this the Story out of Topeka? (1 Viewer)

Woman killed, man injured outside NHRA race - USATODAY.com

Sad news but why is it the lead NHRA story on USA Today's website Sports page?

This is why i don't read USA Today. The road leaving the Winners Circle, get real, these writers are so ignorant. They don't even know what or where the winners circle is.:mad:

I will be sending them an email, I hope everyone else does too!

Here's the email i sent USA Today

We all feel for the family who lost their love one and hope the gentleman survives his injuries. Now for USA Today, to think this qualifies for a lead story of a sports page is outrageous. This was a motor vehicle accident not a racing incident, by the way where's the story about the race. All your writer cares about is making Drag Racing look bad, to turn the public away from a great sport because street racing incidents are labeled as being cause by the sport of Drag Racing which is farthest from the truth. Maybe you should send you writers to a major Drag Race and see what the sports really about and visit where the Winners Circle really is
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My guess would be that USA Today has some kind of hidden agenda; as if to say that if it were'nt for the NHRA race then the woman would still be alive. Got to be the fault of NHRA.

It's no different than a story I saw in the Charlotte Observer last fall. The headline on that story was "Deer Hunter Killed in Accident". Well, it turns out that the hunter was killed in an auto accident while on his way to go hunting. So see, the fact that he was killed just PROVED how dangerous deer hunting is and how morally wrong it is and why it should be outlawed. Never mind something like a FACT: Guy was killed and it had absolutely nothing to do with hunting.

Hidden agendas. :mad:
I walked right by where that happend, but didn't think someone actually got killed. It was actually still on HPT grounds, on a road leading from the grass field used as a parking lot up towards the ticket booth.

Sorry to hear about the loss of someone's life, and how the media made it out to be. :mad:
The reason for the confusion of the "Winners Circle Road" is that the accident happened on a gravel road named Winners Circle Road in the parking area. This tragic accident was almost very personal as this same driver in his hurry to leave the facility just missed my brother as we were leaving. He then ran over this couple within 100 ft of us.
It's just a shame that this has occurred. I agree with Jesse and I also sent an email to USA Today fwiw. While it won't help those that were injured maybe it will serve as a wake-up call to the writer of the article.

While it is unfortunate that someone has died from this incident and another is fighting for his life I fail to make the connection of the accident to the NHRA organization. My thoughts and prayers go out to those injured as well as their loved ones. The story posted on USA Today is not only inaccurate but also very incomplete. The writer is a very POOR example of a journalist and is an embarrassment to USA Today. Not only was the accident nowhere near the “winners circle” but also has nothing to do with the NHRA other than the fact the NHRA happened to have an event where the public was in attendance. There is much detail left out and therefore allows the reader to assume. It appears to me that the writer was looking for an avenue to “hype” the story and sacrificed NHRA to do so. The writer of this article should rewrite the article so it appears legitimate and factual as well as include an apology to the NHRA organization.
The reason for the confusion of the "Winners Circle Road" is that the accident happened on a gravel road named Winners Circle Road in the parking area. This tragic accident was almost very personal as this same driver in his hurry to leave the facility just missed my brother as we were leaving. He then ran over this couple within 100 ft of us.

Do you know if the driver of the truck was drunk, or just stupid? I mean, there are pedestrians all over the place going to their vehicles all day every day at the races and certainly more of them when the race is over. I am glad you are okay and saddened that this happened to the other family, but just don't get it.
The driver did not appear to be drunk from my observation (I did watch him for a couple of minutes as that was my initial thought too) but he was definitly in a BIG hurry when he was leaving.
The driver did not appear to be drunk from my observation (I did watch him for a couple of minutes as that was my initial thought too) but he was definitly in a BIG hurry when he was leaving.

You can't fix stupid. Maybe he will be in a jail cell next to Hogan's kid. What an idiot. That just makes me sick.
Anyone read the posts below the story. Well here is a quote from nissannzx1

"Cookin', the driver was @ the NHRA event. Of course they were drinking! "

What an azzhole.
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The reason for the confusion of the "Winners Circle Road" is that the accident happened on a gravel road named Winners Circle Road in the parking area. This tragic accident was almost very personal as this same driver in his hurry to leave the facility just missed my brother as we were leaving. He then ran over this couple within 100 ft of us.

Is that one of the roads back behind the staging area side or at the front? We left a little early to get a head start home so this is the first I heard of it.
Is that one of the roads back behind the staging area side or at the front? We left a little early to get a head start home so this is the first I heard of it.
It is on the west side of the facility where the majority of people park. The roads are all named, and most of the roads on that side of the track are gravel and the parking is in grass. The road's name is Winners Circle where this incident occured. When you come east from that side, you go around the back of the tower the 'other' side of the track/parking area. This will bring you to where the tunnel is that gets you into the pits. Hope that answers your question.
Although factually correct...what would the average person think happened when reading these 4 headlines concerning the accident?

Police ID woman killed in accident at Heartland Park

Victims identified in Heartland accident

Accident At Hearland Park Kills Woman

One killed, one injured in accident at HPT

I have to wonder if someone was struck and killed while walking to their parked car after a Kansas University Jayhawks basketball game, would the headline read...

Police ID woman killed in accident at Allen Fieldhouse

Victims identified in Allen Fieldhouse accident

Accident At Allen Fieldhouse Kills Woman

One killed, one injured in accident at Allen Fieldhouse

Probably not.

Damn media!
Have you ever heard the widely used television mantra, "If It Bleeds, It Leads?" In other words, a story featuring gore, police, fire trucks or whatever is always going to be the lead over something as mundane as a "mere" drag race. That's sad to say, but unfortunately true.

If you doubt that, tune in your local news, and I'll wager every station you flip through opens their nightly telecast with something sensational, and the better the visuals, the more it's going to get the lead position.

It's the same with newspapers. Someone could come up with a cure for cancer tonight, but in tomorrow's USA Today the story might appear below the fold, underneath an earthquake/flood/typhoon/Hollywood scandal story.

Reporters are supposed to write factually, and most do. Unfortunately, when their stories hit the editor's desk is where the trouble often starts. Newspapers are desperate for circulation and in the print world a sensational headline also "helps," and believe me, those people could care less that their headline was a negative for drag racing. All they care about is selling newspapers.

Skipping the far too many headlines I've seen over the years involving racing fatalities, my all-time favorite came from the Indianapolis Star back in the 70s, reading (I saved it!), "Unruly Drag Fans Subdued By Tear Gas."

There was no coverage of the racing that day...

Jon Asher
Senior Editor
Thoughts and prayers to the familys. These things seem to happen in bunches. Hopefully, we won't have any situations like this for a while now after the last two weekends. At a racetrack in Anderson, IN a track worker was killed when struck by a sprint car during a caution period and the next morning across the street from Indianapolis Motor Speedway, one person was found dead and others sickened by carbon-monoxide fumes in their camper.

ESPN - Race car struck and killed track worker at Indiana's Anderson Speedway - Racing
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