Whit is all about safety, as all participants should be.
He spoke up about tires before we lost D. Russell.
He spoke up about (Forget track) that had the scorebds. Right up against
the wall.
He spoke up about totally uneven starting line, when not 1 fuel car won from
the right lane.
He spoke up about short tracks being dropped from NHRA Nationals.
He spoke up about Firebird being a joke and unsafe.
If I had to guess, I would think he is concerned about the possibility of
a sport ending catistrophic event happening if one car got over the wall
into another lane. Happened last weekend at the March Meet. Not the
whole car, but Capps' body blew off and went into the right lane. Now
if you get something like that, or a tire shred and get run over by a car
in the next lane thats bad enough. But 4 wide, you now have 2 more racers
who could be put in jeoperdy...
Just my2 cents....
And yes, I spend way to much time worrying about things.