i find it funny that nhra are using the pictures of steves punch on there commerials.
i find it funny that nhra are using the pictures of steves punch on there commerials.
Instead, NHRA uses the shoving incident in a promotional commercial, and the CAPCO car is in another commercial.
Torrence was never suspended. He was fined $25,000 and required to take anger management classes. He isn’t allow to return to competition until those requirements are met.if Torrence was suspended, how was he able to test at Phoenix before Pomona? you still gotta have a license to test at an NHRA track.
NHRA isn't going to cave on the fine and classes. The Torrences will blink first, or just stay home. Their choice.
And if they (NHRA) does succumb to their threats, just what does that say to every other racer (in all classes)? That they can just ignore NHRA penalties?
Many have already called this the "Billy Torrence rule".
I'm not quite sure why this has been unofficially dubbed the "Billy Torrence" rule, as Billy made the Countdown be earning enough points in the regular season. If anything this would be called the Scott Palmer, Terry McMillen, Cruz Pedregon, Jim Campbell rule, as these four drivers ran all 18 regular season events and made at least two qualifying attempts at those races. Had the new rule change been in effect last year, those four drivers would have made the Countdown in the 11th and 12th positions.
I would imagine that it has more to do with protesting the new Countdown rules over the fine and classes for the "Incident". Many have already called this the "Billy Torrence rule".
I'm not quite sure why this has been unofficially dubbed the "Billy Torrence" rule, as Billy made the Countdown be earning enough points in the regular season. If anything this would be called the Scott Palmer, Terry McMillen, Cruz Pedregon, Jim Campbell rule, as these four drivers ran all 18 regular season events and made at least two qualifying attempts at those races. Had the new rule change been in effect last year, those four drivers would have made the Countdown in the 11th and 12th positions.
Right, everybody likes to forget that Salinas skipped some races last year and also made the clowndown. Leah missed a few a couple years ago, and one race last year and still made the clowndown. Billy ins't unique in making the top 10 skipping/missing races.