What's going on between DSR FC drivers? (1 Viewer)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my assumption that Beckman is the subject of the 'thin ice' talk. If that's indeed the case, wouldn't you advise him to keep his mouth shut, if he has any interest in keeping his driving gig with DSR?

What is Hagan referring to when he talks about "thin ice?" What is the disagreement about?
What is Hagan referring to when he talks about "thin ice?" What is the disagreement about?

I don't know, Phillip. Ron Capps brought it up. Beckman and Hagen were both asked about it during Sunday's TV coverage, and both understandably declined to elaborate.

Who knows. It could be about money. Could be about Matt's recent performances - perhaps Beckman thinks Hagen is getting preferential treatment somehow. Or it could be nothing more than tension that always seems to mount during this time of the season.

Who cares. Old man Schumacher is more than able to deal with it.
I don't know, Phillip. Ron Capps brought it up. Beckman and Hagen were both asked about it during Sunday's TV coverage, and both understandably declined to elaborate.

Who knows. It could be about money. Could be about Matt's recent performances - perhaps Beckman thinks Hagen is getting preferential treatment somehow. Or it could be nothing more than tension that always seems to mount during this time of the season.

Who cares. Old man Schumacher is more than able to deal with it.

Exactly. Kinda strong statement there to have someone's mouth wired shut by an Orthodontist when they have no clue about any of the facts. Don't ya think?
Didn't the NHRA tell the drivers to spice it up? Look what its done...Its got you all talking about an issue inside the DSR camp. Looks like it worked. I think we were all duped and there all laughing now...lol
A tweet from Ron today read "deep breath everyone,don't read 2 much into what I said in ESPN2 interview,there is no prob with me or my DSR teammates"
My memory bank says Jack took over at Indy and had the Matco Tools deal on the car the rest of the season. The following year, Jack had MTS on the car and i'm pretty sure he brought it with him. As far as the current deal, I have been told that the Napa/Valvoline deal is tied together somehow, but who knows. Also I'd imagine the Aarons deal is Dons, and he can do what he wants with that.

Whit Bazemore got the Matco deal back and went on to drive for David Powers which lasted less then a year. David Baca drove for a few races, then Antron Brown drove. Powers sold the team to his partner Tim Buckley, then was quickly sold to Mike Ashley. "The Don" bought out Ashley, and that's how Antron and Matco got back to Shoe.

Beckman took over the FC after Indy.Bazemore drove the Rat Fink purple fc to the final against Hight In Indy that year.
Exactly. Kinda strong statement there to have someone's mouth wired shut by an Orthodontist when they have no clue about any of the facts. Don't ya think?

Either you don't have the common sense God gave a jackass or you're one of those people prone to stir the pot whenever an opportunity arises. I sense the latter.

I was using an analogy to drive home a point, Winn. Since Beckman is the 'target' of this discussion, if you will, it's of my opinion that the best thing for him to do for now is to keep quiet. Surely - SURELY - you don't think I meant for him to literally wire his mouth shut??? :eek::rolleyes:

If that doesn't meet your approval, fine, advise Jack to talk 'till the world turns level. I don't know why you're getting worked up in the first place - nothing he says or does is going to affect me or you either.
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All I know is when Capps blew the Blue Max body off during Round 1 of the March Meet earlier this year, Beckman was one of the first non-emergency personnel to get to Capps as he climb out. I know because Jack blew past me as he ran down the stairs from the stands and over the fence.

I think this is one of Les's videos 2011 Bakersfield March Meet Ron Capps Blue Max Explosion - YouTube
I was on the starting line when that happened and I wonderd who that was flying over the fence.:)
Garlits told me once he likes to sit at the 1000 foot mark or as he refered to it "Area 51." Because that's were strange things happen.

Bigger celebrities sit at the big end than at the starting line.
Either you don't have the common sense God gave a jackass or you're one of those people prone to stir the pot whenever an opportunity arises. I sense the latter.

I was using an analogy to drive home a point, Winn. Since Beckman is the 'target' of this discussion, if you will, it's of my opinion that the best thing for him to do for now is to keep quiet. Surely - SURELY - you don't think I meant for him to literally wire his mouth shut??? :eek::rolleyes:

If that doesn't meet your approval, fine, advise Jack to talk 'till the world turns level. I don't know why you're getting worked up in the first place - nothing he says or does is going to affect me or you either.

On the Mater just barely over a year with over 400 posts. No doubt full of clueless BS such as this.

I'm gonna stop arguing now as I'm reminded of the old saying....Don't argue with an fool. People may not be able to tell the difference.
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On the Mater just barely over a year with over 400 posts.

What does that have to do with anything? And do the other 30,000+ posts and half a dozen administrator and moderator positions I've had over the past ten years count? No, but at least try not to hold them against me.

Look. You're not understanding what I'm saying and I'm not understanding you. Let's just drop it. And hey, we're fellow Texans; we ain't supposed to be scrapping, anyway.

I got a bit testy; you have my apologies. Not my intention to start trouble with anyone. :)
On the Mater just barely over a year with over 400 posts. No doubt full of clueless BS such as this.

I'm gonna stop arguing now as I'm reminded of the old saying....Don't argue with an fool. People may not be able to tell the difference.

Dude, have you heard of the chill pill? You should go take one.
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