Sean D, shondoo
Nitro Member
seriously john... you shouldn't taunt sean DEWITT like that!... i don't mind if he wants to be in the winner circle pic with the nitro madness team
Now that wasn't very nice, Mr. B...............
Sean D
seriously john... you shouldn't taunt sean DEWITT like that!... i don't mind if he wants to be in the winner circle pic with the nitro madness team
LOL...I think you guys better turn your focus to the guy in green...I know that team has the power to get into the winners sucking up yet Randy?...j/k
LOL...I think you guys better turn your focus to the guy in green...I know that team has the power to get into the winners sucking up yet Randy?...j/k
enough sucking up yet Randy?
Yea, that guy in the Green car has been a little too quite during all
Rapids new quote: "Speak softly and carry a big load of Nitro."
We have a display tomorrow at Arnolds.
Rapid {Just glad all you boys running for 2nd place are still so excited about coming to the event}
Good luck to everyone this weekend. I dropped an exhaust valve and won't be making this year. Maybe next year. I hope to see some of you at Mokan in 2 weeks.