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Wally World Sticks it to the Racers.....Again!!!

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I think the real issue is with the timing of the increase... IF it had been done last year before the economy dropped so bad it might not have had such a dismal reception.... but when times are tight and people are on the verge of loosing a job or loosing their house or busines...... the one thing that helps them get distracted from those issues ..the cost just went up....... (i know racing is exspensive no matter what level) this increase is minimal consiering the cost to compete.... and increase in these times is going to hard for them to swallow....

Not going to say it probably is not warrented or nessicary.....just the timing and the reasoning is the issue....


That I agree with....Timing....and no forewarning...say May 1st..or something.
Well, that's how it is if you want to see a football game or concert, if you don't want to pay the extra money, you don't go. It's a trade.

I'm surprised it went up that much, but really, fifty bucks for two years of competing with the best NHRA guys out there. Fifty bucks for the safety safari being at your side for two years, not a bad value in my humble opinon.

100 bucks now...5-7 national events...5-7 divisional events that's still only 7 to 10 bucks a race in licensing fees. If you race two classes that runs it down to 3.5 to 5 bucks a race.

The value of the license is intrinsic to whoever holds the license.

If you only race 1 or 2 events a year, then it might not be worth it to you, but if you want to race against the 'hardcore' guys who are

1. Top of the line sportsman racers who can afford all the fees
2. The guys who save up for them and set themselves and their cars on kill cuz they got one shot.
3. Just good guys who are in the same boat as you who had to fork over some of their beer budget to race with.

There are also "top of the line" sportsman racers who are on a tight budget, and no thanks to the enconomy and sponsors who had to also cut back, that this type of increase is just enough that may keep them from going to a race.

How many teams out there are multi-car teams...with multiple licenses for each driver? That's when it really hurts...that could add up to a $250-300 expense...(license, chassis...etc...etc) if it all hits at once, and depending on the team. And noone gets to pay a little as they's an expense that is due can budget for next time.

Again...lucky for us that all of our stuff (but my dragster chassis) was JUST renewed end of Feb and new chassis done last month.

We do budget for our expenses...the known ones and there is a little fluff for the unknown like this.....

So one more time....I have no problem with the price increases....really just have a problem with timing...and no forewarning for the teams that are going to get socked when they weren't ready for it. There is NO good reason I can see that something like this needed to be immediate.

At least say it's coming.........for heaven's sake.
I guess I should just shut up and pay whatever they want me to pay. That is if I want to keep Drag Racing. Has anybody heard the expression, "the customer doesn't stop buying, they just stop buying from you"? All competitors are customers of NHRA and we do pay for their services and venues. The Sportsman Drag Racers continually get the shaft and there really doesn't seem to be enough outrage to make a serious change. I still want to compete but why do I have to Drag Race? Over the last few years, the sport has been losing it's luster in my eyes and I really wonder if Drag Racing is still where I want to be. This latest development has really torqued me off. I do have a longtime love for this sport and it will always have a place in my heart, but is it time to look elsewhere? As a dis-satisfied customer of NHRA, maybe I should be somebody else's customer. My Dad did well in Road Racing years ago. He was a Champion Crew Chief and he and his driver did quite well. I have their knowledge and expertise at my disposal. Maybe I should sell my Drag Race stuff and go Road Racing. Remember what I said, "the customer doesn't stop buying, they just stop buying from you". Maybe it's time. Thoughts???

this sounds like a union. we are raising the due JUST SHUT UP AND PAY or get out the door. Like or not sooner or later you got to take the door.
There are always ways to rationlize it.
The fees have not been raised in over ten years. And now they are going up. In the last ten years how much have the cost of tires increased? How about the cost of converters? I just priced a new helmet and was blown away by how expensive they are compared to the last time I bought one. Would you have been happier if NHRA had increased the fees 10 bucs every two years? They held off as long as they could, but now they need to go up.

As Jenn pointed out, for what you get in return, is it really to much to pay?

Here you go Alan.

Unmitigated Greed - Page 3 - CLASS RACER FORUM

Post # 27 I think this man's credentials speaks for himself. I don't consider this guy hurting for cash and certainly the increase ain't going to stop him from racing but read what he has to say and then let's see you tell him he's over reacting.
I will tell him, the next time I see him. Can anyone name anything that hasn't increased in over 10 years? There comes a time when you have to raise prices, and after 10 years the time has come. I'm sure if NHRA had been able to predict the downturn in the economy they would have done many things. If I had seen it coming I would have done a few things differently as well.

I really like that because Tom Carter hasn't heard about something he figures that it never happened.

Here you go Alan.

Unmitigated Greed - Page 3 - CLASS RACER FORUM

Post # 27 I think this man's credentials speaks for himself. I don't consider this guy hurting for cash and certainly the increase ain't going to stop him from racing but read what he has to say and then let's see you tell him he's over reacting.

Thanks for pointing this out, Mike. Fletch's comments are very interesting. And I thought I was gonna catch hell for what I had to say about this.

Hey announcer Guy, maybe if you used even larger font and TYPED IN ALL CAPS WE'D ALL REALIZE HOW RIGHT YOU ARE AND HOW WRONG WE ARE!

I can totally picture this scenario upstairs in a meeting room on Financial Way...Compton saw the current figures and realized they were down already in '09. He asked for the printout from IT that listed the total revenue they bring in from license and chassis cert fees (likely two different spread sheets) knowing full well that racers have no choice but to pay them.

He saw the total and immediately knew that they could double that number with a simple announcement, AND WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING TO THE PAYING CUSTOMER. None. Because he knows we've got no choice!

Now it's been said that they haven't increased this fee in over 10 years. So who the hell was supposed to be managing this segment of their revenue? Who had their head up their butt to never think the fees should maybe be adjusted, annually, by say 10% or so? Someone totally mis-managed this entire thing.

If this keeps up Alan, you'll be able to start sleeping in late on Sundays, in your bed at home!
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any raise is hard but if it truely has been 10 years since the last raise that I must admit that is impressive. The big issue here is the timing. Why now? why into the season? Wouldn't it be wiser to give people time to plan and prepare?
Alan Reinhart asked, "Can anyone name anything that hasn't increased in over 10 years?"

How about payouts for #1 qualifier in Stock?
How about Stock Eliminator winner payouts?
How about Stock CLASS WINNER payouts???

Come on Alan, tell me when those payouts last saw an increase. And spare me the drama of the red ink, please...
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any raise is hard but if it truely has been 10 years since the last raise that I must admit that is impressive. The big issue here is the timing. Why now? why into the season? Wouldn't it be wiser to give people time to plan and prepare?

Thanks PJ....that's exactly what I said...2-3 time to prepare.....amen...
Other than Alky cars, how many rounds do you have to go to get your entry fee back...I mean who's the sucker here?

If $250 is the difference between you racing your car or not this year, maybe you should stay home.
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G Light and T Compton have CONTROL flowing in their veins. They know that they have the #1 Drag Racing Organization in the U.S.. They have full power of NHRA so they can make changes when they want and as often as they want and nobody can stop them. I don't believe for one minute that these changes were needed, there actions are a SHOVE IT IN YOU FACE reminder that what they say and do is final and if you don't like it too bad. Listening to what everybody's been saying today shows a good continuity between the racers. What if we all start writing to race sponsors, vendors, track owners and let them know how you feel, especially the top racers in sportsman categories and maybe they will listen. If the racers and fans start cutting back on entries and attendance then they will not receive the benefits of there investment and maybe put pressure back to NHRA to think about more than the money they're putting in their pockets. Just a thought
And I get flamed when I mentioned Compton and his Bentley as others stuck up for the clown.

I am ambivalent towards Compton ... but you SHOULD get flamed if you mention Tom Compton and Bentley in the same sentence. Why? Because Tom Compton DOES NOT HAVE A BENTLEY.

I have no beef with you flaming him as long as you get the details correct. Otherwise it comes off as ill-informed sour grapes.
I am ambivalent towards Compton ... but you SHOULD get flamed if you mention Tom Compton and Bentley in the same sentence. Why? Because Tom Compton DOES NOT HAVE A BENTLEY.

I have no beef with you flaming him as long as you get the details correct. Otherwise it comes off as ill-informed sour grapes.

yeah what he said :)
Why the hate towards Alan? He always writes in red ink so what. Others write in colors beside the standard black.

Yes he stands up for nhra, be honest how many of you could go on an industry message board related to your companies area and rip on them??? Sure some will say he shouldn't say anything then but why have a site of all one voice?

He does bring a different viewpoint to the party and often with things we, or at least I don't know. I didn't realize it had been 10 years since a price increase. I still don't like the timing of it but its hard to argue with having one if it has been that long.

Debate the ideas, that fine but don't get on him directly, he is not Compton or Graham and I doubt he would pass along our thoughts about either of them to them, so there is no need to pass the rage felt towards them on him.

Ok with that said I still can't wait for the day for Alan to tell me I'm right about the countdown :D:p Deep down he knows it true lol
So one more time....I have no problem with the price increases....really just have a problem with timing...and no forewarning for the teams that are going to get socked when they weren't ready for it. There is NO good reason I can see that something like this needed to be immediate.

The timing does suck, but is there ever a really a good time for a price increase?

Ever heard the saying "The best way to make a small fortune in drag racing, is to start with a large one?"
Now it's been said that they haven't increased this fee in over 10 years. So who the hell was supposed to be managing this segment of their revenue? Who had their head up their butt to never think the fees should maybe be adjusted, annually, by say 10% or so? Someone totally mis-managed this entire thing.

First of all, let me say that ANY increase in fees for competition sucks.

With that being said, if NHRA had raised fees 10% annually as you suggest, racers would be on here complaining annually rather than once a decade AND the fees would be higher than they are now.
..He saw the total and immediately knew that they could double that number with a simple announcement, AND WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING TO THE PAYING CUSTOMER. None. Because he knows we've got no choice!

Something needs to be clarified here, and even I have tendancy to make this mistake.

The paying CUSTOMER, in NHRA's eyes, are the ones that buy the seat, folks. They come to watch the loud cars go fast.

Racers are the PARTICIPANTS, not unlike the guys that lace up the skates or put on the mitt... There is NO reason for the PARTICIPANT to have a say in the financials of the event- I can't think of one Yankee that swings a bat that has any say about what happens in the front office.

But I have seen what happens when the bat swinger decides not to show up for work. And when a lot of the bat swingers don't show up for work. When one blows it, he's looking for a new job. When a lot of them blow off the gig, MANY innocent folks get caught in the crossfire, and their casualties are worse than the bat swingers. Even after they come back to the game, the long term effects on the peripheral folks (that DON'T make a few million dollars) is usually much more catastrophic. In fact, the millionaires involved are usually perky and smiling a few weeks after the "incident" is over.

Anyway, I can't think of any way to get this through to Compton or Light just short of PARTICIPANTS sitting down with them at the bar and hashing it out over a few cold ones.. The CUSTOMERS have no dog in this fight.

Now all we have to do is find a big enough bar...
Can anyone name anything that hasn't increased in over 10 years?

Freight rates in the trucking business! :D It's a bloodbath right now. When volume drops, so do the rates.

Had NHRA gradually increased fees over the last ten years, wouldn't they have been able to collect MORE money without having to arrive at the price levels that they are at now?
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