Personally, Lance, I don't want anymore attention for this sport- no more trying to be a NASCAR red-headed step cousin; no more trying to attract "
fans" that are just looking for the "next popular thing...
I WILL NOT pay to listen/ watch the drags unless I am there- PPV is so against what this sport is all about. Enjoy that we get on average 5 hours of pretty decent coverage on race weekend...
I care not to suffer through getting anymore crappy reserved seats because all the good ones were all given to corporate industry that couldn't care less about the racing, and are excited about just having another "best seat in the house" at ANOTHER sporting event they are being sucked up to by someone at..
I am tired of most of our most talented drivers being placed on the sidelines because they can't come to the table with millions of dollars to get themselves a seat... The fact that a former world champion and several Top 10 finishers are sitting without rides is like Gretzsky, Elway or Aaron being told in the day that they couldn't play because they couldn't pay.. The sport has gotten too expensive for the best players to be a part of it? That is absolutely ludicrous..
I would be happy sitting in stands packed with my fellow 'Maters and folks from other boards, surrounded by knowlegable, informed true FANS of the sport, with a smattering of interested newbies thrown in for good measure. People that know that drag racing has a history before AND after "Big Daddy"..
But since none of this is about what I want

, and I am told that the direction is to bring in more fans, revenue, sponsors, press, then I expect that the people implementing this plan actually execute it, as opposed to their same 'ol "If we build it, they will come" procedure that the recent NHRA is becoming notorious for (If I see one more freakin sky-box...

Off your duffs, Glendora- make this Countdown thing everything you promised it would be.