You call it.
What exactly was he "throwing down orally?"
Are you kidding me? If I show up at your pit and call you out. We get into a shouting match. You tell me to leave, I refuse to leave and continue to talk s***. That is throwing down orally. Maybe you would be ok with it but there are still people out there that will hit you in your open mouth. He was "sucker punched" only because he thought he could say whatever he wanted and no one would do anything
Not saying what happened was the right answer but he should have been on "high alert" with what was going down
Smith has a history of being confrontational, I don't believe a word he says.
Obviously NHRA didn't buy the "no punches were thrown" senerio.
Kind of hard for the NHRA to believe the Arana story when you have multiple people not involved with the situation confirming Matt's story. $7,500 is a lot of money for a PSB crew chief, I bet next time he will show some more class and not act like a street thug. You can't go around punching people even if they say something you think makes them deserve it. Talking smack will not get you in trouble, throwing punches will.
All teams should have a designated hitter that isn't a crew wrench critical guy, then kicking him out doesn't affect your team. Just my 2 cents.
Duh... read what i said. I didnt have a problem with matt defending angie. I said that if you come to someone talking smack you just might get punched.
Talking smack will not get you in trouble.
I don't care how well your team if funded, $7,500 is not chump change. I'm thinking this one's gonna be appealed.