Nitro Member
C'mon folks, drag racing needs a good controversy. Just look at what's going on between Danica & her boyfriend in NASCRAP!
If it had been Matt Hines' crew chief, NHRA would have roped off an area, given both combatants boxing gloves and sold tickets to see it.
Old Man Arana is no stranger to dropping F bombs on people, and his gripe over that seat is beyond ridiculous. But when the dust settles, it's the unprovoked punch on the part of Martinez that NHRA isn't going to tolerate. Ask Ron Capps or Ed McCulloch if it's OK to punch someone durning a national event, on track grounds.
That's what I meant ... you are in someone else's playground. You no longer have the right to conduct yourself in any manner you wish. Also must be willing to face any consequences of poor judgment. We're on the same page.From what I've read, I'm embarrassed for Arana on this one! You consider a stepped seat your personal intellectual property? Give me a break. If Smith pulled a mold off of Angie's seat ... maybe you have a gripe, but it sure doesn't look like that happened based on the pic. Par's got this one, real basic work for anyone who deals with mat and rosen.
Jim, when you invite the public (and charge them for coming), you property is no longer "private" for the duration of that event ... same reason a cop can ticket you for doing donuts in the WalMart parking lot.
Hope Arana comes clean on this and we all move on quickly.
Congrats to Steve Johnson for a hell of a run.
Most fans could give a rats behind about the motorcycles, witness the fan drain in the stands when they are up to qualify. This whole deal is ridiculous and Arana Sr. showed just how much of a low life supposed professional he is. He shouldn't talk that way to anyone like that over a stupid seat, much less a woman. Both teams with their actions both Friday and in the past just shows why most people don't watch the bikes period. Just my 2 cents
Smith's crew did back him up by restraining him and not allowing him to do something that would get him thrown out of the event.
I was right there when Herbert and Millican had words. No punches thrown, just a lot of words, threats and finger pointing and nobody's crew got fired over it. Any ways, why would Doug need anybody to back him up against Clay? Just a little difference in size.
George of the most honest people you'd ever want to meet who has no skin in the game...
The real loser in this whole deal is Arana and his reputation. It appears he flat out lied to the TV audience by saying "No punches were thrown" yet George of the most honest people you'd ever want to meet who has no skin in the game...confirms that he saw the "big guy" (Arana's crew chief) throw a punch that landed in Smith's direction.
My wife, who could care less about drag racing, let alone pro stock bike or Lucas Oil, thinks Arana just let the world know what kind of person he really is when he flat out lied to her on national TV.
That first seat is a freakin joke. I'm surprised he even paid for that p.o.s let alone pay him more to modify it? Arana is an idiot. I'm not fans of either of them. Lucas should pull their money and put it towards Steve Johnson![]()