I'm sure Doc will stick around.
He's not strong enough to back up his own words, and I expect him to start his second career here in a few minutes..
He is so star-struck by some of these people in position, like the dope we are talking about, and ofcourse the grandest puke of them all, EK. He isn't strong enough to stay away because he has way too much lipstick and not enough rear ends.. I think he values "position" and the allusion of money more than character itself. These are "friends" of his. Gawd...
I love people who are not impressed with position, and he ain't one of them.
I think what puzzles me the most are companies like Snap-on.
IMO, I would have pulled the deal in the shut down lane at Reading if I were the COO of Snap-On. When the Zilla paint and tee shirt thing came out, I would have ran far away from that program and denied ever knowing that team..
There are many more options and deserving teams who could have represented the company with more humility and class. Didn't Snap-On think that some, if not most people would be turned off by such a display of arrogance?
Maybe it's just me.
Wayne, some, maybe most can see right past some of these guys.. It's not very hard to see who is a class and professional act, and who isn't. Who is a hypocrite, and who isn't. Who blames others for their own self made problems, and who doesn't. Who takes total responsibility for their own actions, or lack there-of, and who doesn't. Who is truly there to do the right thing, and who isn't. Who got the silver spoon without the kick in the rear, and who did. None of us are perfect, but lets at least try to do the right thing for others.
The signs come screaming out like this dudes self indulgence.. I can't imagine the crap you had to endure working for a guy like that.. (insert BARF smiley)
When people put others first, then you have a true person of substance that deserves respect. When someone puts themselves first, well, we can see how it all unfolds in time.