This is the number one problem with this country nowadays: Too many people are too worried about what someone else is doing instead of minding their own business.
This is the number one problem with this country nowadays: Too many people are too worried about what someone else is doing instead of minding their own business.
Number ONE problem with THIS COUNTRY????? That's strong stuff!This is the number one problem with this country nowadays: Too many people are too worried about what someone else is doing instead of minding their own business.
Number ONE problem with THIS COUNTRY????? That's strong stuff!
Let's turn your statement a bit and see if it still fits:
Too many people aren't worried enough about their own actions despite their ultimate effect on others. You see, when our choices effect others (especially when it's negatively) we should be more cautions with them.
I don't doubt you share your point of view with the majority. I"ve learned that what may be offensive to someone may also be exciting and even awesome to another. This woman's dress may be the epitome of that statement. I just happen to believe morals, integrity or obedience to laws define our true character. I also believe we'll all. one day, answer for our choices in such matters. I understand if you disagree as well. Most will.
Yeah, number one problem. You know why? Nobody wants to take personal responsibility for their actions. Instead, they want to point their crooked little fingers at someone else and declare that the "Emperor has no clothes" when in fact they themselves are naked. People live in their little glass houses (or SUV's) and act like total assholes and to justify their behavior, they cast stones at someone else. It's the same reason I don't go to Church. I hear all too often the justification for being a complete prick to people "*I* go to Church!". So what? It doesn't change the fact that you're acting like a tool to people just because you go to a place with a cross on it once a week. It's bullshit.
Look, if you don't care for mini skirts and halter tops, that is your perogative, but unless you want someone criticizing your choices in clothing, religion, beliefs, etc., then don't criticize others, that's all I am saying. Just mind your own and worry about yourself and your loved ones. If you don't want your daughter dressing like a whore in public, put a top to it. But if someone else wants to dress that way, THAT IS THEIR RIGHT!! Many people have fought for that right and I will fight it to the death if asked to. It's one of the freedoms we as American's enjoy.
In other words, if everyone worried about what they're doing (read: minding their own business and looking out for their own behavior) then a lot of these ridiculous society problems would disappear. Just like no one would give a shit about society sluts like Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan and the way they act if people would quit paying them so much attention.
Trust me, with soldiers dying over seas in a sandy shithole to fight for the freedoms of people to wear what they want and don't even make the news any more and crap like this does, what does that say about the priorities of this country? It makes me want to puke.
It may appeal to you but I'll have to ask, is this what you hope your wife, daughter, and grandaughter dresses like?
This is the number one problem with this country nowadays: Too many people are too worried about what someone else is doing instead of minding their own business.
Yeah, number one problem. You know why? Nobody wants to take personal responsibility for their actions. Instead, they want to point their crooked little fingers at someone else and declare that the "Emperor has no clothes" when in fact they themselves are naked. People live in their little glass houses (or SUV's) and act like total assholes and to justify their behavior, they cast stones at someone else. It's the same reason I don't go to Church. I hear all too often the justification for being a complete prick to people "*I* go to Church!". So what? It doesn't change the fact that you're acting like a tool to people just because you go to a place with a cross on it once a week. It's bullshit.
Look, if you don't care for mini skirts and halter tops, that is your perogative, but unless you want someone criticizing your choices in clothing, religion, beliefs, etc., then don't criticize others, that's all I am saying. Just mind your own and worry about yourself and your loved ones. If you don't want your daughter dressing like a whore in public, put a top to it. But if someone else wants to dress that way, THAT IS THEIR RIGHT!! Many people have fought for that right and I will fight it to the death if asked to. It's one of the freedoms we as American's enjoy.
In other words, if everyone worried about what they're doing (read: minding their own business and looking out for their own behavior) then a lot of these ridiculous society problems would disappear. Just like no one would give a shit about society sluts like Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan and the way they act if people would quit paying them so much attention.
Trust me, with soldiers dying over seas in a sandy shithole to fight for the freedoms of people to wear what they want and don't even make the news any more and crap like this does, what does that say about the priorities of this country? It makes me want to puke.
I just happen to believe morals, integrity or obedience to laws define our true character.
The number one problem in America right now is the disentegration of the family unit. From a sociological perspective, it is the true legacy of WW2. Once "Rosy the Riveter" got out of the kitchen and into the work place, she wasn't going back when the boys came home. Secondly, many of those folks moved to large cities when the boys came home, transforming us from an agricultural/manufacturing based society, to a consumer/service driven economy within a generation. Suddenly, both parents are working to support this consumer based economy, and the kids are left to their own devices, that is if the parents even stay married. The net effect 60 years later is people feel absolved from their own actions because everyone tells them nothing is their fault, so the people act according to this dictum. Marriage hit a rough patch? Not your fault just get a divorce. Get hooked on drugs and wind up in jail or rehab? Not your fault, Mommy and/or Daddy just didn't love you enough when you were a child. And so on and so on .....
I think these moral issues are way more important than the general populous believes. It's my opinion that we can adhere to time-tested moral values and find greater happiness. That being said, it's crystal clear that the majority disagrees with me. Our society has rationalized moral misconduct to the point of mandating it's acceptance in the name of one freedom or another as clearly demonstrated in some posts above. It's all around me and I'm not stupid enough to deny it. I just feel it's my responsibility to live in this world without being OF this world. I don't have to follow or accept things as they are. Oh, and when I'm in Rome, I don't act as the Romans do either. I'm just funny that way.
So, I'll live my life and raise my family according to standards and beliefs as expressed by the likes of our founding fathers as well as the prophets of old and adhere to the counsels given by the scriptures as best I can (recognizing my own many imperfections) and stand up, or speak out to protect what I deem important to our society's existence. Don't think for a moment that I'm not aware how differing my life choices are than most of society's on this matter.
I'm in awe at the masses that have rationalized themselves away from traditional morality but I'm not surprised.
You have proven my point! Well said Tom!Bobby, with all due respect, personal moral beliefs are in the eye of the beholder.
just because I like to look at the mona lisa doesn't mean I 'm buying a copy to bring home.Doc - Well said.
It all boils down to this.
Most men today have an unhealthy appetite for adultery.
Where am I basing that from?
Some religious garbage that none of you want to hear.
It's from some certain place in some certain book and goes something like "whoever looks at a woman and lusts after her has already commited adultery with her in his heart."
Like I said Doc - most men just like seeing half naked or naked women, you attack that, and they get offended. Just let them keep their sin close to their heart, and they will be fine. Sad part is, in hell they will no longer be able to enjoy anything. Wish people would listen sometimes. But hey, we're the wacko's.
Yankster, we've been on opposite sides of lots of discussions and I respect your opinion as well as your right to express it. That being said, we'll, once again, take opposite sides of this debate. Here's some sobering statistics:I want to hear all these adultery stories , cuz really outside of a few prominent preachers and politicians I 'm not aware of that going on with anyone I know in my life.