Well, Bobby, I don't discuss politics with you very often because even though I disagree heartily with some of Mr. Bush's views and stands, I don't feel the need to continually belittle him for some of his actions or consistently refer to him in snide, perjorative jabs as you seem to need to do to Mr. Obama. I find it interesting that you profess to always take the "high road" yet choose to villify a candidate based on what you believe he will or will not be able to do in the future.
As I was just telling a conservative friend of mine yesterday, I believe whomever is elected to the presidency in this election, he will be a one term president for the very reasons you outlined in your post. Be he Rep or Dem, he will be expected to solve all the ills present in our country immediately, and that is just not gonna happen, thus that particular presidency will forever be viewed as a dismal, one term failure.
You have mentioned several times that you believe the economy is in very good shape and there is no recession because your business is not only prospering but growing. I obviously don't question that, and if I was in a situation where my economic situation was improving rather than deteriorating daily, I certainly would not be upset with the economic situation either. But take it from me, there are many, many of us that are seeing an increasingly dismal economic situation for us ahead.
Ok, I'll put away the soapbox for now, and I realize my post belongs in the politics room, not here, but Bobby, please understand that I respect you and your family--I have heard nothing but good about you guys--I just wanted to point out that I rapidly tire of the sniping and snide comments about a particular candidate and what he purportedly will do or not do if elected. I try not to attack the candidate not of my choice in that manner even though I have several doubts about his policies, platform, etc. Do ya see what I mean?
I guess you can let me have it here, or pm me and we can discuss what you think about what I said and maybe we can get closer to an understanding politically speaking in the same manner that Alan Loder and I have. I believe there's room for both of us to have differing opinions without either of us casting undue aspersion on either candidate..Thanks for listening.