Schumacher testing session at Palm Beach.... (1 Viewer)

Re: Shumacher testing session at Palm Beach....

I changed the title to the correct spelling, but it didn't change it from the main page, you only notice it when you click on the thread to open it.

Ah, that's right, you gotta ask a mod to change it for you.
Re: Shumacher testing session at Palm Beach....

I bet that if you look and act like you belong there - more often than not you'll get in. Plus don't forget the old "Having a fake conversation on your cell phone with someone VERY important inside" trick :D

I had a friend who used to BS his way into the NASCAR pits. He had an ARCA pass but no NASCAR. He said #1 rule is dont look like a fan (no Dale Earnhardt t shirt). He would put on a uniform shirt, stick a shop rag in his pocket, and carrry in a box of spark plugs. Said it worked every time.
Re: Shumacher testing session at Palm Beach....

But make sure you are holding a push broom and a bottle of Dasani. It might help if you bring your own nozzle for the hose.

its only good if you can properly wield the weapon! The Dasani bottle, there is a secret use for that, but its CLASSIFIED!
Re: Shumacher testing session at Palm Beach....

its only good if you can properly wield the weapon! The Dasani bottle, there is a secret use for that, but its CLASSIFIED!

Oh you mean it's NOT really for Jack Beckman's Funny Car burnouts :confused:

Must have opened the wrong file :p
Re: Shumacher testing session at Palm Beach....

Get Agent Sculley on the Case!

mmmm....SCULLEY.... Yumm Yum!
I have a question for the testing police,
so if capp$, Jacky Bobby, or Hagan brought out three chassis each to test in one day is that one session for each team? Or lets say jacky bobby drove his and capps cars in a testing session, is that one session for each team, or two sessions for mr beckman and zero for Capp$?
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