I don't understand your reasoning. I think we all know that our government is never going to have a perfect policy in anything, because there is no such thing as a perfect policy.
Yes, we should have done something 20 years ago. Just because we didn't (at a cost of hundreds of thousands of lives), why does THAT mean we should NEVER do it? If it would have been correct twenty years ago, then how could THAT be a reason NOT to do it now? Your logic escapes me.
The fact that we pulled out of Vietnam is one that Saddam used in believing that we wouldn't see Iraq through.
When we're achieving what should be a net saving of human life and suffering in the long run, we can "meddle" all we want, in my opinion.
The ironies are what get me. The freedom to sit here and complain about what your government is doing was paid for in the only way it could have been. It sounds to me like you're saying that others shouldn't have the same thing.
An idea came to me the other week which caused me to post some questions on aliraqi.org. My internet has been down for over a week, so I haven't been able to see how they were answered yet.
We know that our troops will supposedly be pulled out when there is a perception that the Iraqi people can take care of themselves. For one, I want to know if the average Iraqi is even aware of this?
For two, I want to know if the Iraqis are even able AND willing to take care of themselves. The able part. At one time I heard or read that each Iraqi is allowed to own one firearm. I want to know if this is still true.
Concerning the willing part. I wonder if the difference between our country fighting the Revolutionary War and the Iraqis now might be that people over here were so far away from their "rulers" and had an idea of what freedom was, that it was worth fighting for? Can an Iraqi who's lived under Saddam for over 30 years even comprehend it?
There's an interesting thread on that site that I'll post a link to here when I find it. Talks about how thugs are going around enforcing illegal laws when our troops aren't around. One example was ice dealers. The thugs told them that man made ice wasn't around in Allah's time, so that they were banning it. The dealers laughed. A week or two later the thugs came back and shot one or two of the dealers, so the rest pulled out.
Something's gotta p*ss these people off to the point that they're willing to to make a shooting gallery out of the place when that happens.
It's kinda like this country and the fact that the cops can't be everywhere at once, along with crime rates going down where concealed carry is voted in.
Watched an episode of COPS the other day in which an elderly fella caught a guy who'd broken into his car. When the cops arrived he still had him face down on the ground with his pistol pointed at him. Said he'd dared him to try to run away a few times.