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Saddam execution 'within month'

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Couldn't agree more with you there Ted. And I, too, hope Saddam's death serves as a morale booster for our troops. May God continue to bless and watch over them during this New Year.

Read the statements from the soldiers regarding Saddams death and that should answer your questions! :cool:
Meddling in other countries is fighting smart and thinking ahead. Of course it breeds resentment, nobody likes being a pawn in the global chess game. But as they say "my enemy's enemy is my friend".

Yeah it's done wonders hasn't it!
Putting Saddam in power did real good didn't it? :eek:
Trust me we could fight a lot smarter than we have if you don't think so then go right a head and think that after all this is America and your entitled to your opinion.
I have a vested intrest in this war I have a brother that has been there for quite some time, since this war started, so I'm more informed than I want to be!
Go a head and read what you want but it's a lot different than what I have read even though it hasn't been getting any better in the press either!
Whatever happened to the hunt for Osama? He should be our #1 priority everyday until he is found.
When American government wants something they get it.
Saddam had nothing to do w/ 9/11. And who are we to decide if he was bad or good?
There are plenty of countries w/ leaders who are like Saddam but we will not go after them due to them having nukes.
We are bullies who pick on the weak.
My brother is a high-ranker in the US Army over there and has a whole different view about our government after being there for three years.
He left a republican and is now a democrat...go figure.
I only support what I am willing to get involved w/.
Bush has no problem w/ war as long as his loved ones are not in harms way.
And I can give you many people 'over there' who are committed to the war on terror, support the president, and who actually see the good that has been done.

Most of all, they 'get' the bigger picture that so many Americans fail to see. We are at war with not a people, but rather a religion which has no gray area. Convert or die. many of your loved ones been killed over there?
More soilders have been killed over in the Middle East than people died on 9/11.
Our President sent those soilders over there and has no problem w/ sending your son/brother/father/mother/daughter/etc to replace the ones who have already parished.
Enough is enough....

If your stock portfolio has any oil shares you love our president...Since Jan/2002 oil returns have been around 32%. Highest ever!!!!!
Whatever happened to the hunt for Osama? He should be our #1 priority everyday until he is found.
When American government wants something they get it.
Saddam had nothing to do w/ 9/11. And who are we to decide if he was bad or good?
There are plenty of countries w/ leaders who are like Saddam but we will not go after them due to them having nukes.
We are bullies who pick on the weak.
My brother is a high-ranker in the US Army over there and has a whole different view about our government after being there for three years.
He left a republican and is now a democrat...go figure.
I only support what I am willing to get involved w/.
Bush has no problem w/ war as long as his loved ones are not in harms way.

Terry unless they have someone over there they have no idea! They only go by what they read or political shows on TV which are way off.
But what I have heard from my brother who is in special-ops and has actually been there since before the war started. I have seen him only a few times since and hear from him as time permits from his hectic assignments.
I will tell you what he doesn't agree with the possible deployment of more troops but as he stated he is just a pawn in this game but the higher ups in our government, and we know what idiot's they are, they don't even listen to the generals that are in charge so what does that tell you! many of your loved ones been killed over there?
More soilders have been killed over in the Middle East than people died on 9/11.
Our President sent those soilders over there and has no problem w/ sending your son/brother/father/mother/daughter/etc to replace the ones who have already parished.
Enough is enough....

If your stock portfolio has any oil shares you love our president...Since Jan/2002 oil returns have been around 32%. Highest ever!!!!!

Know what Terry? Your quote above deserves no answer. I only discuss this issue with people, not parrots. You have no clue. many of your loved ones been killed over there?
More soilders have been killed over in the Middle East than people died on 9/11.
Our President sent those soilders over there and has no problem w/ sending your son/brother/father/mother/daughter/etc to replace the ones who have already parished.
Enough is enough....

If your stock portfolio has any oil shares you love our president...Since Jan/2002 oil returns have been around 32%. Highest ever!!!!!

Pretty harsh Terry, but thanks in no small part to our soldiers serving in Iraq (among other places) you are entitled to your opinion. Something to think about given the fact you won't be allowed to have an opinion if the radical Muslims get their way...

I am on active duty & though I haven't been on the ground over there myself I am extremely close to people who have (In fact, I had a friend over last night who returned from an eight month deployment just a few months ago). I'd go tomorrow if I was asked too.

And for the record, yes we've lost a lot of men and women over there - but we lost a whole lot more a single battle in past wars than we've lost in Iraq & on 9/11 combined.
Please understand my frustration is with the way our commander and chief has gone to war without a solid plan.
That is where my problem lies if this was thought out better we would be in better shape than we are in now!
I respect all service people who serve and wait to serve our country but anybody here who tries to tell me our President has done a good job can Blow Me!
As far as soldiers who are stating they are behind our President and support the war, what I want to know, is how many soldiers were polled to get a significant # that agree poles are deceiving.
I guarantee you more are discussed with how this war is unfolding and it keeps coming back to who and how this was planned out!
Collin Powell is a very intelligent man and his biggest problem with the war was the excuse the President used and the strategic plan of how they planned on attacking which lead to him resigning he didn't want to be pegged to that idiot!
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I agree some what with you Jackee but if Saddam wasn't put in place and supported by the US we wouldn't be talking about him right now!
If we were that concerned we would have done something when those atrocities took place, not 20+ years later! :(
It's also a well known fact that our government put and supported the Shaw of Iran, (another Saddam), and that is one of the reasons they don't like us!
We have to stop meddling into other countries matters! Vietnam was that countries civil war that is why we lost, it wasn't winnable and we are not doing to well in Iraq either.
I'm not a liberal or a conservative because I use my brain! ;)
We also trained Osama so well we can't find him, not that it would make a difference either way just like killing Saddam it won't stop what's already in motion.
We need to fight smart and think ahead and have a solid plan this is a enemy we have never had to deal with they could be you next door neighbor it's a scary situation and it will take just as much brain power as might!

I don't understand your reasoning. I think we all know that our government is never going to have a perfect policy in anything, because there is no such thing as a perfect policy.

Yes, we should have done something 20 years ago. Just because we didn't (at a cost of hundreds of thousands of lives), why does THAT mean we should NEVER do it? If it would have been correct twenty years ago, then how could THAT be a reason NOT to do it now? Your logic escapes me.

The fact that we pulled out of Vietnam is one that Saddam used in believing that we wouldn't see Iraq through.

When we're achieving what should be a net saving of human life and suffering in the long run, we can "meddle" all we want, in my opinion.

The ironies are what get me. The freedom to sit here and complain about what your government is doing was paid for in the only way it could have been. It sounds to me like you're saying that others shouldn't have the same thing.

An idea came to me the other week which caused me to post some questions on My internet has been down for over a week, so I haven't been able to see how they were answered yet.

We know that our troops will supposedly be pulled out when there is a perception that the Iraqi people can take care of themselves. For one, I want to know if the average Iraqi is even aware of this?

For two, I want to know if the Iraqis are even able AND willing to take care of themselves. The able part. At one time I heard or read that each Iraqi is allowed to own one firearm. I want to know if this is still true.

Concerning the willing part. I wonder if the difference between our country fighting the Revolutionary War and the Iraqis now might be that people over here were so far away from their "rulers" and had an idea of what freedom was, that it was worth fighting for? Can an Iraqi who's lived under Saddam for over 30 years even comprehend it?

There's an interesting thread on that site that I'll post a link to here when I find it. Talks about how thugs are going around enforcing illegal laws when our troops aren't around. One example was ice dealers. The thugs told them that man made ice wasn't around in Allah's time, so that they were banning it. The dealers laughed. A week or two later the thugs came back and shot one or two of the dealers, so the rest pulled out.

Something's gotta p*ss these people off to the point that they're willing to to make a shooting gallery out of the place when that happens.

It's kinda like this country and the fact that the cops can't be everywhere at once, along with crime rates going down where concealed carry is voted in.

Watched an episode of COPS the other day in which an elderly fella caught a guy who'd broken into his car. When the cops arrived he still had him face down on the ground with his pistol pointed at him. Said he'd dared him to try to run away a few times. :D
Here's the beginning of the thread. Interesting enough on it's own.

Violence robs Iraq of Christian heritage - aliraqi Community

This is from page two.

"I said I was just feeding the people, but they said there were no falafels in Mohammed the prophet's time, so we shouldn't have them either.

"I felt like telling them there were no Kalashnikovs in Mohammed's time either, but I wanted to keep my life.

Why Baghdad's falafel vendors should be blacklisted while their colleagues are allowed to continue selling kebabs or Western-style pizzas and burgers remains a mystery."

"Another group of traders to have felt the Islamists' unexpected wrath is Baghdad's ice merchants, who sell large chunks of ice for storing food and chilling drinks. In a city facing constant power cuts and summer temperatures of up to 50C (122F), the service they provide is little short of essential.

Yet in recent weeks, they too have fallen foul of the claim that their product was not a feature of life during Mohammed's time.

Akram al Zidawi, 19, an ice seller from al Dora, thought the threats were too ludicrous to be true - until it was too late. "Two weeks ago he came back home saying that he had been threatened by the terrorists," said his brother Gassan, 32.

"My mother begged him to quit the job, but he laughed, he thought it was impossible they would kill him. But they came back two days later and shot him dead, along with three other ice sellers nearby."

Meanwhile, barbers have been inundated with young men anxious to shave off their goatee beards. Last month, Mustapha Jawad, 17, was allegedly killed for wearing one, which Islamists deemed a Jewish facial hairstyle."
I don't understand your reasoning. I think we all know that our government is never going to have a perfect policy in anything, because there is no such thing as a perfect policy.

Yes, we should have done something 20 years ago. Just because we didn't (at a cost of hundreds of thousands of lives), why does THAT mean we should NEVER do it? If it would have been correct twenty years ago, then how could THAT be a reason NOT to do it now? Your logic escapes me.

The fact that we pulled out of Vietnam is one that Saddam used in believing that we wouldn't see Iraq through.

When we're achieving what should be a net saving of human life and suffering in the long run, we can "meddle" all we want, in my opinion.

The ironies are what get me. The freedom to sit here and complain about what your government is doing was paid for in the only way it could have been. It sounds to me like you're saying that others shouldn't have the same thing.

An idea came to me the other week which caused me to post some questions on My internet has been down for over a week, so I haven't been able to see how they were answered yet.

We know that our troops will supposedly be pulled out when there is a perception that the Iraqi people can take care of themselves. For one, I want to know if the average Iraqi is even aware of this?

For two, I want to know if the Iraqis are even able AND willing to take care of themselves. The able part. At one time I heard or read that each Iraqi is allowed to own one firearm. I want to know if this is still true.

Concerning the willing part. I wonder if the difference between our country fighting the Revolutionary War and the Iraqis now might be that people over here were so far away from their "rulers" and had an idea of what freedom was, that it was worth fighting for? Can an Iraqi who's lived under Saddam for over 30 years even comprehend it?

There's an interesting thread on that site that I'll post a link to here when I find it. Talks about how thugs are going around enforcing illegal laws when our troops aren't around. One example was ice dealers. The thugs told them that man made ice wasn't around in Allah's time, so that they were banning it. The dealers laughed. A week or two later the thugs came back and shot one or two of the dealers, so the rest pulled out.

Something's gotta p*ss these people off to the point that they're willing to to make a shooting gallery out of the place when that happens.

It's kinda like this country and the fact that the cops can't be everywhere at once, along with crime rates going down where concealed carry is voted in.

Watched an episode of COPS the other day in which an elderly fella caught a guy who'd broken into his car. When the cops arrived he still had him face down on the ground with his pistol pointed at him. Said he'd dared him to try to run away a few times. :D

Of coarse you don't understand my reasoning you are reading when I'm hearing things first hand from somebody who is in the know. :cool:
I'm agreeing with you in that our government never has always done the right thing, anymore than it ever always will.

"If we were that concerned we would have done something when those atrocities took place, not 20+ years later!"

There's just a lot of meaning I take out of a sentence like that that I think many might overlook. I'm agreeing with you that we should have done this a long time ago. It just seems ironic that you'd use a sentence like that as your way of saying that we shouldn't be there now. Why don't you end it with something more like "At least we finally are!"

I think the truth is that you wouldn't have had us doing it twenty years ago, either. What I call ending suffering, you call "meddling." It's just too bad we had patriots in this country who were willing to "meddle" in England's affairs as well, huh?

Apparently the degree to which people over here in the land of milk and honey care about the atrocities that people oceans away have to live and die through is going to vary. A lot of my fellow Americans nearly make me sick.
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I'm agreeing with you in that our government never has always done the right thing, anymore than it ever always will.

"If we were that concerned we would have done something when those atrocities took place, not 20+ years later!"

There's just a lot of meaning I take out of a sentence like that that I think many might overlook. I'm agreeing with you that we should have done this a long time ago. It just seems ironic that you'd use a sentence like that as your way of saying that we shouldn't be there now. Why don't you end it with something more like "At least we finally are!"

I think the truth is that you wouldn't have had us doing it twenty years ago, either. What I call ending suffering, you call "meddling." It's just too bad we had patriots in this country who were willing to "meddle" in England's affairs as well, huh?

Apparently the degree to which people over here in the land of milk and honey care about the atrocities that people oceans away have to live and die through is going to vary. A lot of my fellow Americans nearly make me sick.

Actually England meddled and controlled our business we chose to become independent and we went through our Civil War with no interference. ;)
We helped Saddam become who he did so if we didn't meddle we wouldn't be in this predicament.
History has a way of repeating itself doesn’t it? It’s like we don’t learn from our mistakes! :rolleyes:
I believe England felt it owned us and that we owed it money because of all the financial backings they'd provided. Apparently Iraq and Iran were played off of each other in order to keep them both down. In how many parts of the world did we battle the former Soviet Union by backing one side in order to keep communism from spreading? How many people never knew what they were really fighting and dying for?

What we have or have not done is not going to determine what my beliefs are concerning what's right and wrong for now and in the future. Since there are no perfect policies, that's all you can do. I'm always going to be in favor of what I think is going to provide the overall net saving of human life and suffering. If fewer Iraqis are murdered and tortured in the next 30 years compared to the last 30, we have succeeded as far as I'm concerned.

I think the trick with Iraq is the same as it was under Saddam. Mass graves are filled with patriots and their families for trying to organize to overthrow him. The citizens had the numbers, but how do you get 25 million of the good ones to organize and jump at once without one wrong one finding out?

It's the same as now. They could make Iraq into anything they wanted it to be if they only realized it.
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