Doug in the woods
Nitro Member
judging from the amount of cars impacting the guardrails in Gainsville (the most I ever recall) seems like the track may be part of the equation as to cause of tragdy?
just my 2 cents.
just my 2 cents.
There's not always a reason or a bad guy. I know we all want to blame someone or something and then fix it so this never happens again but sometimes thats just not possible. Thats why its called accident.
I'd prefer to see 'em race the current cars in 1/8th mile contests rather than water down the nitro classes again.
...shorten the track distance to 1200 feet. I think an eighth-mile is to short but I could live with 1200 feet. The fuel teams will save more money too.
My suggestion is to have two lane referees with radio control of the cars parachutes. Most incidents would be less calamitous if the chute comes out as early as possible. Most drivers are a little preoccupied to even think about the chutes.
That should be great, two more guys who weren't there, didn't see it and don't know what happened talking about how to fix it.
We already have enough people who don't have all the facts, but know all the answers,
Wouldn't a soft wall grab (suck) a funny car in and eat it up before spitting it out?
The old Armco guardrails used to suck cars up. We don't need that again. Talk about people getting hurt.![]()
Sounds idiotic, but that's almost what I seem to be hearing from some of the "safety experts" who know nothing about how to run or drive one of these cars.
Flame away.
I had always thought shortening the distance raced would make the racing boring. After watching the racing in San Antonio this past weekend, I don't think so anymore. It wasn't boring at all.
A shorter distance would eliminate the tire problems overnight. There would be fewer engine explosions. The costs related to racing in the nitro classes would drop immediately.
I think it is worthy of consideration.
that's almost what I seem to be hearing from some of the "safety experts" who know nothing about how to run or drive one of these cars.