My Top 10 list of potential mandates/ideas. Open for criticism.
1. Chute Launchers (all cars): Propel the chute out, without the delayed propellant of a pilot chute. also gets chute past wheelie bars. Could be implemented immediately?
2. Auto chute releases: body burst panel linkage (all FC) as well as auto release when fire bottles activated (all cars). Could be implemented within 2 weekends?
3. Neutral in reverser/transmission: If engine starts dieseling, clutch is "welded" together (on pro cars) and cannot be disengaged. Neutral allows disengagement. Implementation on all cars is both protective (nitro cars) but also preventative (all other cars)
4. Mechanical pinion brake: If hydraulic main brakes fail, a cable-activated pinion "emergency" brake can be activated to at least help slow the car (all cars)
5. Chassis mounted (secondary) chute levers: If roof buckles but does not come off chassis, still allows driver to release chutes (all FC) could be implemented within 1 week?
6. Front brakes: require front brakes on all competition vehicles (redundant, apply to TF). Mandate minimum 6" wide front tire for nitro cars, 4" for all others, with 18" minimum height. could be implemented within 6 weeks?
7. max fuel line size: cut size (inside diameter) of main (pre-pump) fuel line by 15% with minimum wall thickness, to slow cars down. Could be implemented within 4 weeks? So a fuel line previously 2" I.D. would now be 1.7" I.D. (nitro cars only)
8. Auto Chute release on rev limiter (extension of #2): If data logger detects engine RPM over set speed for 5 continuous seconds OR overall engine-on time over 8 seconds, deploy chutes automatically. Timer activated when motor first reaches pre-set RPM upon launch, after computer is activated.
9. Outboard chute mounting: Require all competition vehicles (other than motorcycles) with top speed over 150 MPH to have 2 parachutes, all others 1. Require single chute as center mounted on rear of vehicle; All 2 chute systems to be mounted on outer edges of vehicle (exclusion of rails, maybe P/S?) and deployed simultaneously.
10. Wheelie Bar guards: In the event of launcher failure or incomplete deployment, a cover (either plastic, fiberglass, or sheet metal) to be placed around wheelie bars on all competition vehicles to help prevent entanglement of the parachutes. Measuring 3 feet wide and 2" longer than the rear edge of the wheel (starting at the point where bars come out from under body), with 25 degree turndowns at sides that are 12 inches long. Mounted so as to be level (using shorter struts in front than back) and directly attached to wheelie bars.
"All cars" being inclusive of any competition vehicle other than motorcycles and JR dragsters.