The Little Lizard
Nitro Member
I thought it might be nice to take a break from mainstream racing activities/discussions for a moment, and share some of the good things that a NHRA member is doing in their own community outside of racing. It's my belief that much to often that some of the wonderful things members and others from the racing community do for society is far to often overlooked and passed over.
As a member of the National Hot Rod Association, it's with much pride that I share my involvement with what seems to be the largest healthcare facility project ever associated with a NHRA member and drag racing car owners employer! As a pathfinder in healthcare my employer has designed our new children's and womens Hospital to meet the growing needs of the greater Sacramento region, the state of the art over half billion dollar Women’s and Children’s Center will be a 242-bed, nine story building that will provide innovative technology in a patient-focused environment. It also will feature a unique life-saving helistop near the Capitol Freeway, which will allow helicopters to transport severely injured and sick women and children for treatment, and most specifically designed to serve newborn and pediatric patients.
Their is much more about this at the weblink provided below:
*BLOCK BUSTER!-08/10/10 1944PST LIL LIZARD TO ASST. WITH NEW O... - THE LITTLE LIZARD'S IN THE KNOW 1320 EZINE's MySpace Blog | THE LITTLE LIZARDS'S IN THE KNOW E-ZINE "1320 CENSORED" BLOG-The most important underreported stories related to D

As a member of the National Hot Rod Association, it's with much pride that I share my involvement with what seems to be the largest healthcare facility project ever associated with a NHRA member and drag racing car owners employer! As a pathfinder in healthcare my employer has designed our new children's and womens Hospital to meet the growing needs of the greater Sacramento region, the state of the art over half billion dollar Women’s and Children’s Center will be a 242-bed, nine story building that will provide innovative technology in a patient-focused environment. It also will feature a unique life-saving helistop near the Capitol Freeway, which will allow helicopters to transport severely injured and sick women and children for treatment, and most specifically designed to serve newborn and pediatric patients.
Their is much more about this at the weblink provided below:
*BLOCK BUSTER!-08/10/10 1944PST LIL LIZARD TO ASST. WITH NEW O... - THE LITTLE LIZARD'S IN THE KNOW 1320 EZINE's MySpace Blog | THE LITTLE LIZARDS'S IN THE KNOW E-ZINE "1320 CENSORED" BLOG-The most important underreported stories related to D