Yep, he got off extremely easy. I had some friends that used to roadrace motorcycles in the CCS. If somebody had done what John did they'd be out on their ass for a year. I still think he should have gotten at least a one race suspension. The fine isn't going to teach him anything but I guarantee he'd learn if he lost some points.
But . . .
. . . it's OK to openly taunt without reprecussion, I suppose???
Is, what's good for the goose really good for the gander???
Now he needs to go out and win the championship and shut them up for good.
When Cruz first called John a cheat, etc., John said he wouldn't throw stones and was, IMO, very professional in his response. He was that way all the way, up to the point that Tony got in his face and wouldn't shut up. Tony egged him on, knowing full well John's temper would get the best of him in time. Having a similar temper, I would have done the same as John. You can only put up with that kind of crap so long. Would be different if John hadn't given Tony the boost he needed to be where he is today.
The Pedregons are 'no class' in my book and always have been. I just bet John will pay the fine with pleasure. Now he needs to go out and win the championship and shut them up for good.
Force needs to have thicker skin and be the bigger man and walk away if the taunts were getting under his skin.
No I don't when you consider that they're guilty of the same thing back when Tony won his Championship!...........Honest questions please. Do you think the Pedregons (both of them) acted responsibly? Do you believe they were being thick skinned? Do you believe they were justified in their taunting?.................
So, let me get this right:
* Force needs to ignore the comments made on national TV as well as to his face while the cameras are rolling and "Have thicker skin?"
Honest questions please. Do you think the Pedregons (both of them) acted responsibly? Do you believe they were being thick skinned? Do you believe they were justified in their taunting? Did they seem professional or childish to you?
I don't see most saying the fine was not justified and/or appropriate given the circumstances, myself included. What I see here is a bunch of Force haters still trying to find a way to deny the fact that Cruz is out-gone-done for the year-period.
Bobby, are you a Pedregon/ Shumacher hater? It sure seems that way.
I hope it's Ashley!!