Silly Savage
Nitro Member
Yep, people are making a fortune on the sportsman racer these days. Tracks blossoming up everywhere, and the existing tracks investing all those profits in making huge improvements.
Fine, someone put a tickler in their calendar, and let's revisit this thread every August 1st. If this facility actually exists and is still operating in five years, I'll gladly eat my words.
Who the f*ck said "making a fortune"....who keeps companies like Edlebrock, Jesel, Enderle, Hilborn, BDS, Diest, Crow, Simpson, Impact, Spitzer, Suncoast, Jegs, Summit, Dart, Brodix, Mallory, Holley, etc, etc, etc in business....sportsman racers. And the tracks that are around are being keep alive by sportsman and import racers....look at that heap 'o crap in your avatar....You run nothing but high dollar brackets and national events?