New Garlits interview (1 Viewer)

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Nitro Member
Jul 21, 2006
Columbus, OH.
92 years old... how does he do it? Would love to see a full documentary on BIG.
Also...what the heck is on that phone that he keeps looking at? :)

I saw that interview and it's nothing new to see or hear. I wonder, do these people pay him for the interview? If so, they're not getting thier monies worth. I mean,
how many times can you hear the story about pulling a gun on him for not running 200 MPH?
As for the phone thing, he seems bored. A little disrespectful but I get it, same questions different interviewer.
No he should be totally respected, He is the man, the legend, and a TRUMP supporter. Never forget how many lives that man saved by perfecting the rear motor car. and he beat me twice. 😭
PS: the phone is sending word for word during the interview, he can't hear much the days.
Larry Sutton---🤠
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92 years old... how does he do it? Would love to see a full documentary on BIG.
Also...what the heck is on that phone that he keeps looking at? :)

he uses his phone to convert speech to text so he can "hear" the questions. His hearing is pretty much gone
Don also has a sense of humor. when he called me about my induction in to the hall of fame. the first thing he said was Larry Sutton I hear a rumor that you have half of my foot in a pickle jar at your house. I said no I don't Don, but when I was finishing my acceptance speech. I called Don to the stage and gave him a facsimile of the foot in a cut off ironing board fire suit type material in a pickle jar. After I gave it to him he said now that is funny. 😄
Larry Sutton---🤠
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No he should be totally respected, He is the man, the legend, and a TRUMP supporter. Never forget how many lives that man saved by perfecting the rear motor car. and he beat me twice. 😭
PS: the phone is sending word for word during the interview, he can't hear much the days.
Larry Sutton---🤠
When I said disrespectful, I meant disrespectful to the interviewer because I was not aware of the phone speech conversation and for that, I apologize.
To be 92 years of age and do what he's done, he deserves all the respect in the world. He was and still is my all time favorite drag racing hero.
Oh come on people, you know the forum rules are no politics unless in the politics forum. I am not going to move this, though, unless personal attacks start because of it

Then why is Tony Smith allowed to have "Black Lives Matter" on all of his posts? Many of us have serious issues with that organization.
Oh come on people, you know the forum rules are no politics unless in the politics forum. I am not going to move this, though, unless personal attacks start because of it
He started it!
Maybe he can also tell us why Comrade Kamala is NOT black and how do you know he smells like s**t?
Jimi, cut the sh*t. We all know you have a fetish for black women, so stop hatin'. It must break your heart that Captain Bone Spurs lost to Sleepy Joe Biden and might take an "L" from Kamala's Not Black Harris....bless you child.

How do I know?...How can you not smell him? Where ever he goes, it smells like a stable full of poorly maintained farm animals. Hell, Miserable Melania can't stand to be around him anymore.

Anyways....a lift of our glasses to a great American hero, Don Garlits. 🍻
Oh come on people, you know the forum rules are no politics unless in the politics forum. I am not going to move this, though, unless personal attacks start because of it
If those 2 posts are not political WHAT IS? Both should be taken down. A politician was mentioned by name.
Then why is Tony Smith allowed to have "Black Lives Matter" on all of his posts? Many of us have serious issues with that organization.
Many of you can't help yourselves and follow the rules...imagine that :rolleyes:, but then are the first ones to cry about the rules being broken. 😭
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