I would like to ask a question of my fellow maters.I have an idea. Would,nt it be great if we stopped, or severely cut back the space program. Then we could fund our police depts. thus maybe preventing our kids from being raped, and murdered, ( example , the girls in california). We could house our homeless. We could feed our starving. We could better educate our children.We could pay off some of the trillions in nat. debt. We could build new roads and bridges. I realize this probably won,t happen. But could you imagine a president with the balls, saying lets make a change, lets do this differently. They spend billions on rockets that explode two hundred feet off the ground. They have no clear cut mission. I,m not saying no good comes from n.a.s.a, I,m saying, lets cut it back for ten years, billions if not trillions saved. Put everyone on unemployement, tell them to live check to check. I know we could cut the defense budget, and I also know that won,t happen. Can you just imagine if a president, or other politiciens, said whoa there, heres how we can fix our country, or at least help fix it. God please, bring us a man or a woman who can think outside the box. Who does,nt bow to pressure. Or someone who can fix this mess, we call a government.And don,t tell me , to leave the country, if I don,t like it..I love my country. But I think It,s being driven into the ground by greedy, lazy, beurocrats. Theres my rant for the year.