Nitro Member
I've been following this sport since my uncle got me hooked on it in the early sixties. I had the pleasure of watching the funny car class and pro stock class begin and evolve. But I've always watched, and never raced.
That all changed today.
I got a new job last August, and one of my new co-workers races an ET Plymouth Satellite. I decided that I'd go to the last race of the year at Rock Falls Raceway (Al Corda's strip) to see him race. I knew they'd be running a street eliminator class, and was toying with the idea of maybe trying it out. After talking with my friend, (Didn't require much arm bending.) I decided to enter.
I will never again be content to just sit in the stands and watch! In spite of the fact I made major rookie mistakes (Rolling past the beams on my second time trial. DOH!!! Kudos to the starting crew at Rock Falls. They were very patient with this tyro.)
and generally stinking up the place with my reaction times, I had an absolute GAS!!!!!!
Some things I discovered:
1. Despite what all the armchair quarterbacks on this board may say when criticizing the pro racers such as Ashley Force for their reaction times, cutting a good light isn't NEARLY as easy as they would have you believe.
2. it's interesting to have a much faster car blow by you at the finish line. You see them in the mirror, and think "I've got to stay in it a bit longer" only to break out.
3. Full face helmets suck. My glasses kept fogging over.
4. This is FUN!!!!!
I am now looking at that 1979 S10 350v8 conversion project in my garage with a whole new outlook.
My trusty steed, my 2001 Buick Regal in the staging lanes. As my nickname (DrRocket) would suggest, Oldsmobiles were my favorite car, but they don't sell those any more, so I'm a Buford boy now.
Waiting for the first time trial. (Check out that neat Vista-Cruiser in the back ground!)
Last race of the day, a first round loss in the consolation race.
I got a total of 5 runs, my best reaction time was .343
In my defense, each reaction time was better than the previous one.
The Buford did pretty good. With 173,000 miles on it, my better half was a bit concerned about the idea. But the car came through with flying colors, turning a best time of 16.699 in the left lane. It's a 2001, with a naturally aspirated 3.8 V6, and it never missed a beat, running strong all day. Not too bad for a luxo-barge.
My final reaction is "What took me so long to do this????"
That all changed today.
I got a new job last August, and one of my new co-workers races an ET Plymouth Satellite. I decided that I'd go to the last race of the year at Rock Falls Raceway (Al Corda's strip) to see him race. I knew they'd be running a street eliminator class, and was toying with the idea of maybe trying it out. After talking with my friend, (Didn't require much arm bending.) I decided to enter.
I will never again be content to just sit in the stands and watch! In spite of the fact I made major rookie mistakes (Rolling past the beams on my second time trial. DOH!!! Kudos to the starting crew at Rock Falls. They were very patient with this tyro.)

Some things I discovered:
1. Despite what all the armchair quarterbacks on this board may say when criticizing the pro racers such as Ashley Force for their reaction times, cutting a good light isn't NEARLY as easy as they would have you believe.
2. it's interesting to have a much faster car blow by you at the finish line. You see them in the mirror, and think "I've got to stay in it a bit longer" only to break out.
3. Full face helmets suck. My glasses kept fogging over.
4. This is FUN!!!!!
I am now looking at that 1979 S10 350v8 conversion project in my garage with a whole new outlook.
My trusty steed, my 2001 Buick Regal in the staging lanes. As my nickname (DrRocket) would suggest, Oldsmobiles were my favorite car, but they don't sell those any more, so I'm a Buford boy now.

Waiting for the first time trial. (Check out that neat Vista-Cruiser in the back ground!)

Last race of the day, a first round loss in the consolation race.
I got a total of 5 runs, my best reaction time was .343
In my defense, each reaction time was better than the previous one.
The Buford did pretty good. With 173,000 miles on it, my better half was a bit concerned about the idea. But the car came through with flying colors, turning a best time of 16.699 in the left lane. It's a 2001, with a naturally aspirated 3.8 V6, and it never missed a beat, running strong all day. Not too bad for a luxo-barge.
My final reaction is "What took me so long to do this????"
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