Movies you cannot turn off (3 Viewers)

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Dr. Strangelove or how to stop worrying and love the bomb. (You can't have a fight here in the war room)

Fargo (Hey Marge do ya want me to cook ya some eggs)

Vanishing Point
I like Second Hand Lions as well but my wife thought it sucked. I enjoyed it. But I like most Robert Duvall movies.
Movies that I can't stop watching:

Tora Tora Tora (I think it's a better movie than Afflict's inaccurate P.O.S.)
Top Gun
Lawrence Of Arabia
Flight Of The Pheonix (Jimmy Stewart's version.)
Any Bond movie with Sean Connery
The Magnificent Seven
Here's one that was on last night, and I watch it ever time.
Six Pack with Kenny Rogers.

And also Rounders.
Movies that I can't stop watching:

Lawrence Of Arabia

Good pick...
Most Alfred Hitchcock movies are on my "can't stop watching" list.
Vertigo is one of my favs.

In terms of recent movies, Pirates of Caribbean The Curse of The Black Pearl (imo) is one of the best, I didn't list it because I've yet to see it on television anywhere. Dead man's Chest was awesome too. I'm a Johnny Depp fan... he's one of the best in Hollywood. I know he's strange, but the man can act.

In terms of recent movies, Pirates of Caribbean The Curse of The Black Pearl (imo) is one of the best, I didn't list it because I've yet to see it on television anywhere. Dead man's Chest was awesome too. I'm a Johnny Depp fan... he's one of the best in Hollywood. I know he's strange, but the man can act.

"Why is the rum always gone???..............OH! That's why!!!"
Love that line.
all of clint's sphaghetti westerns.
the good, the bad and the ugly
fist full of dollars
for a few dollars more
high plains drifter (not sure if s.w.)

blazing saddles
godfathers I & II
Most Mel Brooks
The Usual Suspects
LA Confidential
The Naked Gun
The Remains of the Day
Talk of Angels (foreign)
The Horseman on the Roof (foreign)
The Incredibles
Monty Python's Holy Grail

I'm sure Over the Hedge once it's on DVD.
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We have to be talking uncut versions here, because most of these I`d never watch on regular TV.

The Exorcist
The Shining
Saving Private Ryan
National Lampoons Vacation
GlennGarryGlenRoss (you have to be in sales to appreciate it)
The Deer Hunter
Heart Like a Wheel
North Dallas Forty
Finding Nemo
Leaving Las Vegas
Apocalypse Now
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How could I forget the Usual Suspects.

Don't laugh, but I actually enjoyed Alien vs. Predator
Fargo (can't believe I forgot that one either)
Leaving Las Vegas
The Remains of the Day
Howard's End
The Abyss
Titanic (if I hadn't mentioned it before)
Child's Play (just the first one... it gave me chills when I first watched it as a kid)
Gremlins (just the first one)
The Others
Space Camp (a favorite of my siblings and myself as a teen)
Con Air
Face Off
Gone In 60 Seconds
Terminator 2
Devils Rejects
Airplane (shirley You Can`t Be Serious )
Die Hard
First Blood
North by Northwest
Full Metal Jacket
Das Boat
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The only one movie I cannot turn off is (drum roll)...................................


I laughed, I cried, I showed true emotion.

The others do not hold a candle to this one.
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