Maybe they could make it just a commercial without the sound,that would be better at least?I'm not a fan of the split screen but it is an evil necessity. With people either fast forwarding through commercials or like Ray grabbing a beer and peeing, the split screen means a chance of more eyes seeing the ad.
We all scream about needing more sponsors, well they have to see ROI, the split screen is a way to deliver more people.
I get the complaint, we are so inundated with ads nowadays that for the most part I think they have little effect.
Now they don't do it doing actual race action, so I fast forward through it anyway, just like a normal ad.
They already have those. Every banner you see at the track, the wraps on the cars, the graphics on the screen, the overlay on the track during TV coverage. All of those are commercials without sound.Maybe they could make it just a commercial without the sound,that would be better at least?
I find the split screen commercials particularly annoying and FFWD through them anyway, but then my viewing experience is tainted and less enjoyable. Thing is even though I FFWD through the regular ads, I still see who the advertiser is. If I was interested I'd watch the ad, but truth be told it's exceptionally rare that any TV ad is compelling enough for me to buy a product.
I would submit that people in boardrooms *think* they know what they are doing, and probably don't care how much it detracts from the viewer's experience. I suspect the younger generation just accepts pervasive marketing as "the way it is," and probably does a better job of ignoring it. I get that, but the world wasn't always 24-7-365 ads in your face via every form of media. Maybe they could split-screen the split screen with even more ads to make it just a bit more annoyingThe people in the board rooms know what they are doing and know the best way to sell their product. If I owned a company I would do the same thing. I think it’s a great way to do it because if you try to skip the add you might skip the race.
Great point! I've often wondered how NASCAR stays relevant. The world we live in is so fast paced and everyone has short attention spans. Seems drag racing is perfect for this generation. Everything in quick short spurts.On has to wonder why a 3+ hour telecast of similar cars running in circles enhanced with truly dreadful commentary puts 6 times as many eyes on the screen as a motorsport that is rapidly changing and has a high degree of randomness. Is it the youth of the drivers? Is it the heavy involvement of sponsors? The one huge difference between the two is if my NHRA hero goes out round one, he or she is gone for the remainder of the event. Jimmy Johnson, no matter how bad his car is this year is always paddling around somewhere during the telecast. I sometimes think NASCAR has trained us to watch them and trained us to accept how monotonous their sport is to watch. Frankly, after seeing NASCAR at the Fontucky race, it is more boring in person.
On has to wonder why a 3+ hour telecast of similar cars running in circles enhanced with truly dreadful commentary puts 6 times as many eyes on the screen as a motorsport that is rapidly changing and has a high degree of randomness. Is it the youth of the drivers? Is it the heavy involvement of sponsors? The one huge difference between the two is if my NHRA hero goes out round one, he or she is gone for the remainder of the event. Jimmy Johnson, no matter how bad his car is this year is always paddling around somewhere during the telecast. I sometimes think NASCAR has trained us to watch them and trained us to accept how monotonous their sport is to watch. Frankly, after seeing NASCAR at the Fontucky race, it is more boring in person.
These cable tv adds cannot be that expensive as they play the same ones over and over again. Bombard us with 8 commercials repeatedly and the advertisers are convinced by the programmers that it is worth it? When was the last time you bought something because of a tv add? I would submit that it should be limited to only a couple companies that are "presenting" the show on tv with references to them briefly throughout the show and charge them what would be collected by having 8 or more advertisers. The money is the same to the programmers. I am not talking about the "presenters" of the NHRA event that is annoying in itself...."".
On has to wonder why a 3+ hour telecast of similar cars running in circles enhanced with truly dreadful commentary puts 6 times as many eyes on the screen as a motorsport that is rapidly changing and has a high degree of randomness. Is it the youth of the drivers? Is it the heavy involvement of sponsors? The one huge difference between the two is if my NHRA hero goes out round one, he or she is gone for the remainder of the event. Jimmy Johnson, no matter how bad his car is this year is always paddling around somewhere during the telecast. I sometimes think NASCAR has trained us to watch them and trained us to accept how monotonous their sport is to watch. Frankly, after seeing NASCAR at the Fontucky race, it is more boring in person.