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Military Aircraft Photos

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Col. John, I was an Air Force brat at age 12, for just over 6months, at Selfridge AFB near Detroit. What a place for a 12 year-old to spend a few months. Still have so many great memories and I cannot help looking up when any jet flies over, even commercial. Thanks John, Joe and the rest for the great links.
Are any of you interested in military aircraft photos, a retired USAF Colonel sent me lots of amazing high resolution photos of displays in the USA. He sent me photos of the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the F-22 Raptor on display at Edwards Air Force with their bomb bay doors open, you would never see displays like that at a normal air display, even the one at Nellis AFB.

If you're interested please send your name & email address to [email protected]

Shouldn't this thread be in the political room?
Military aircraft are used in war
I met a guy last summer who does pic.s at the plane races in vegas, when I find his card I will post his website, suppose to have some cool stuff on there if your interested.

Thanks for the photo's, they're a treat to look at. I've been a U.S. Navy Air Traffic Controller for nearly 22 years and to this day I get excited at the mere sound of jet fighters. Serving at sea on aircraft carriers has given me the opportunity to see some extremely exciting air shows over open water - A/C breaking the sound barrier, low (extremely low, in fact) high speed flight, etc. Unfortunately, I've never taken my camera up to the flight deck. Maybe next time... then I can post some of those shots for you.

Senior Chief... Last time I saw an air show at sea was just after '91 Gulf War on the IKE... Tomcat going vertical as he hit Mach1 from "wave top" okay 300 feet or so... A7 SLUF pulling several "Gun Runs"... A6 demo bomb runs... A6 texico and a A7 top up demo... Launches off 3 & 4, no recovery on deck, too many civies even with all the yellow equip 'tween us and the wires... planes flew back to Oceana... But I'll tell ya, a T/F launching doesn't hold a candle to a Tomcat going off the Cat... but maybe we can get Rick S. to touch the strip as Tony S. launches the Army right next to him... :eek: I Had The TIME of My LIFE... (The boss lady stayed in hanger bay control and "watched" the Air Show on CATV with her cousin)

Thanks VF142 Ghost Riders and VF143 Puckin' Dogs...:)
Oh, and there's nothing compaired to a Hornet going Inverted over your apartment... Lived 1/2 mile straight off the end of the Runway at NAS Norfolk and watched more than one AirShow from my yard... and yeah, seems our apartment complex was one the "landmarks"... not sure what the hard deck was, but it seems like they were only at 500 feet or so... didn't miss an AirShow at NAS Norfolk or NAS Oceana from '84 to '96... Best place to Watch the Air Show at Norfolk was across the creek at the fence at the southeast? end of the runway....
Bringing back an older topic...went "plane spotting" at NAS Fort Worth

Heres a link to the gallery NAS Fort Worth 2-21-07

That reminds me of a story a friend of mine told me, He was in the Air Force back in the 70s at Edwards AFB and saw the SR-71 landing and decided to snap a picture or two, He said by the time he got Home they were waiting at his door and removed the film from his camera and told Him in explicit terms to "NEVER" let this happen again.
That reminds me of a story a friend of mine told me, He was in the Air Force back in the 70s at Edwards AFB and saw the SR-71 landing and decided to snap a picture or two, He said by the time he got Home they were waiting at his door and removed the film from his camera and told Him in explicit terms to "NEVER" let this happen again.

One of the SR-71 units was based at RAF Mildenhall (leased to the USAF) in England, you could take photos all day long without any bother. There's an SR-71 on display inside the American Air Museum at the lmperial War Museum, Duxford, England. Click on Welcome to the American Air Museum Home Page.

l'm greatly indebted to the over 30,000 American airmen who gave their lives fighting during conflicts of the 20th & 21st centuries.
I met a guy last summer who does pic.s at the plane races in vegas, when I find his card I will post his website, suppose to have some cool stuff on there if your interested.
Sorry it took so long I couldn't find his card anywhere. Heres his site, you'll have to scroll to the bottom and click galleries. He has some very cool stuff on there. Just click on the Tim Adams.
Tim Adams
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Thanks for the photo's, they're a treat to look at. I've been a U.S. Navy Air Traffic Controller for nearly 22 years and to this day I get excited at the mere sound of jet fighters. Serving at sea on aircraft carriers has given me the opportunity to see some extremely exciting air shows over open water - A/C breaking the sound barrier, low (extremely low, in fact) high speed flight, etc. Unfortunately, I've never taken my camera up to the flight deck. Maybe next time... then I can post some of those shots for you.

They ever buzz your tower? :)
I've seen some pictures of low-level shock wave interactions with water - talk about leaving a rooster tail!!
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