They used a smaller engine. Don't know what type, but it looked to be a CJ-610 or JT12D. Those engines only make 2800 and 3300 lb thrust respectively. (standard day, 100% power, I'm too brainfried to get into specifics.
A 747 Classic with Pratt & Whitney JT9D engines makes about 50,000 lb per engine.
I saw a United Airlines training video where a 767-200 blew a truck being towed behind it into SFO Bay. I don't know how much thrust they were pulling from the Boeing to blow it over, but same basic engine type on both aircraft.
I've also got an American Airlines Pilot Operating Handbook for the 757/767. I can't remember the danger area size behind the engines, but at 50% power, the wind speed from the engines is somewhere in the neighborhood of over 300 mph. When I get a chance, I'll look and post specifics.
That truck is going bye bye.........