Just Who is NHRA trying to convince? (2 Viewers)

I hear ya' Greg but I still really respect Rob. I think it is as simple as being told, "Write a web piece that shows how great our championship race is". So that is his job. No different than my company saying, "Write a good review of THIS new product for the website". Doesn't mean our product is great but you can bet I'm going to say it is.

I skipped that article after a few sentences because I don't like hype either.

::: shrugs :::

I'm not in favor of this countdown, but just remember who RG works for! He is hires to represent NHRA, be the Internet version of Natl. Dragster. NHRA won't hire somebody to bash them.
Joe is right, Scoop might even hate the idea of this countdown crap but he would never say it. He remembers where he gets his check as would I.
NHRA News: Top racers mull over ramifications of Countdown to Four as pressure grows (9/6/2007)

Seems Geiger is the designated water-carrier for NHRA on this "Countdown" b.s.!!

I've never heard such self-serving propoganda in all my life.

I've always had a lot of respect for Rob and thought he showed a bit more integrity than the rest of the National Dragster-types. But towing the party line on this crapdown makes me think otherwise. :(

Cut Scoop some slack.

He is paid to write for the NHRA, do you really expect him to come out and can the Countdown?
And That's the Problem...

If all Light and Compton hear from their people, from the racers, from letters to the editor is how great and wonderful The Chase is.... they are going to believe it....

It's not a FRICKIN' Countdown... and it Really Doesn't Matter.... Gee, I really wonder how POWERADE talked them into this?????? Afterall NHRA is the 10 (Championship lite) NASCAR is the 50.... besides, POWERADE is only posting an eight spot points fund by what's in print in N/D
In all fairness to Rob, he did relay both sides of the story, it's not all stacked towards NHRA as you portray it to be!

The quotes by Tony Schumacher, Greg Anderson and Fuller are not exactly painting a rosey picture the Countdown.......................
"Ron Capps could complain about the new points system after going from 78 ahead of Robert Hight to 51 behind the new leader, but the driver of the Brut Revolution Dodge Charger, now fourth in the rankings, says he fully approves of the Countdown to Four."

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds a lot like Zippy in Seattle using his lane choice to choose the awful lane against his teammate, Whit who was in contention for the crown when he effectively said "we wanted this lane" with a countenance that reeked of obvious disappointment?
If you didn't have this, what would you whine about?


Let me give you some guesses:

1. The track at Indy

2. Whether or not you're going to be in a FC next year

3. The NHRA team orders memo

4. ESPN2's Coverage

5. Paul Page

6. Jerry Toliver/Warren Johnson

7. Kenny Bernstein's face

8. Geiger & Sullivan and what they know regarding the KB/JR Todd Deal

Oh wait...
Truthfully Alan...

I'll see you in a couple of weeks at Richmond.... I'm going to watch a drag race, not a points race... to watch Robert, Jimmy and Eric win... to watch Teach run good.... to watch Melanie and Hillary go for a win.... I going to watch people I like Race, if they are in the points thing or Not....

That's why I'm a Drag Racing Fan...
I just logged onto NHRA.com and couldn't believe that the Gary Scelzi story wasn't their main headline. When one of the most popular drivers announces that he's not going to retire that needs to be the headline, no excuses. NHRA needs to realize that although a handful of their fans like the chase, most do not. Karl, I couldn't agree with you more about going to one of the last races to see a drag race, not a points race. I am going to Vegas because of the weather and because it's a Bruton Smith track and in spite of the countdown, not because of it.
i wanna whine, cause kelly has never called me darlin'( david alan coe) jk . reinhart good seeing u for few at indy, to bad u have to work so much . had u all set up back at mikes pit. next time my friend.
You can't blame Rob for towing the company line. Its his job to do so. He is there to tell the stories nhra wants and to promote the sport in the manner in which they see fit. I may not like what he's promoting but I can't find fault with the the guy. he's just trying to do the job that he is paid to do.

I can't see him writing a scathing piece anti anything nhra and still expecting a job the next day. Same with Alan or Frey or anyone else who has such open access to the numbers of people they do via interent or airwaves.

I do find it interesing how the drivers change their stories depending on who they are talking too though. Throughout the entire season I've seen numerous times where drivers say one thing one camera or paper and another behind the scenes. I wonder which version is true.
I guess my point was kind of lost...

It sounds like they are trying to convince themselves that the Countdown is the holy grail for drag racing.

You guys are absolutely right, you can't fault Rob but that doesn't mean you can't be disappointed.
Guys the Countdown is here. And it is the big story. It just seems to me that some of you are tilting at windmills. Why not just see how it plays out, and if after it's over you still hate it I'm sure you will tell us why, but for now you are wasting a lot of time and energy complaining about something that isn't going to change.


P.S. I still feel all warm and fuzzy when Kelly calls me Darlin...

Guess I'm the only person in America who LIKES the countdown.

From a fan perspective, instead of 2 or 3 folks in contention, 8 are in the mix.

The leaders got 'kinda screwed but, it makes a better show (and they've got to put fannies-in-the-seats"
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