Jon Asher article (1 Viewer)

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Ya know, I've said for a long time that some of the members on the old Mater weren't credible. Either by reputation or the lack of the use of their real name for whatever reason. I've long believed that if you are willing to type something out here on the world wide better have the stones to say it to someone's face. I, as well as many others here, have and will continue to do so. That's why my screen name everywhere is what you see here.......Kelly. What you see is what you get.

Jon, although I may not agree with you for the most part, I respect your right to voice your opinion. Feel free! GOD, I love this country! :D

And I remember you getting raked over the coals for using the word credible one time, Kel.
Yep, you are correct ma'am. And not just on THIS site. :rolleyes:
The article was informative, but not "brilliant" or "refreshing"..sheez, are we really that starved for decent literary prose about our favorite sport?? Oh wait, that's right, we are...cuz Jon already killed every drag racing magazine franchise that has been attempted!! He couldn't carry Geoff Stunkard's notepad!!
The Nitro Blitzer!

Oh, that my real name at the top of this post?? WOW, how embarassing, sorry Jon, please disregard any negativity that may have been implied in my previous response. You're a peach, a real scholar, and should I get stuck in a typical November Highway 40 blizzard, trying to return from OK to PHX over the t-giving holiday, you will answer your phone...right???
The article was informative, but not "brilliant" or "refreshing"..sheez, are we really that starved for decent literary prose about our favorite sport?? Oh wait, that's right, we are...cuz Jon already killed every drag racing magazine franchise that has been attempted!! He couldn't carry Geoff Stunkard's notepad!!
The Nitro Blitzer!

Hey Hillbilly, I know Jon do you? I bet you don't, He's discussed and explained the Magazine deal in great detail here in the Past. If you did know him I'm sure he'd tell you just how much $$$ he lost on that deal. I'm sure 90% of the posters here will put his reputation agains't anybody in this sport including your hero! For the record, I have NO Clue who Geoff Stunkard is.
The article was informative, but not "brilliant" or "refreshing"..sheez, are we really that starved for decent literary prose about our favorite sport?? Oh wait, that's right, we are...cuz Jon already killed every drag racing magazine franchise that has been attempted!! He couldn't carry Geoff Stunkard's notepad!!
The Nitro Blitzer!

Oh, that my real name at the top of this post?? WOW, how embarassing, sorry Jon, please disregard any negativity that may have been (implied in my previous response. You're a peach, a real scholar, and should I get stuck in a typical November Highway 40 blizzard, trying to return from OK to PHX over the t-giving holiday, you will answer your phone...right???

If you have an ax to grind with Asher, why not look him up at any National event? I'm sure he'll be happy to discuss whatever the burr is that's gotten under your saddle, face to face. (I don't think you'll find many people who share your point of view. )

(Joe, Geoff Stunkard is another fine photographer, with collections of not only drag racing but also Railway photos. Here's a link to his website)

Quarter Milestones - Classic Racing and Transportation Photography and Publishing

He also writes a monthly column for Mopar Max among other things.

::: MoparMax ::: Mopar Musings - Welcome Back, My Friends - 8/1/2006
If you have an ax to grind with Asher, why not look him up at any National event? I'm sure he'll be happy to discuss whatever the burr is that's gotten under your saddle, face to face. (I don't think you'll find many people who share your point of view. )[/url]

Why is it that if Billy has an issue with Jon, he should take it up with him and not post it for all the world to read, but if Jon has an issue with NHRA he should write a story about it and most of you claim what a genius he is for publicly calling them out?

When you consider that Jon makes and has made a pretty nice living from Drag Racing over the years, he gets preferred parking and free passes to the races he eats free in the press room, and is allowed access to areas that are off limits to the fans. Why is it that he can’t seem to find one nice thing to write about NHRA?

And I have spoken to Jon face to face about this. I like Jon personally, but I do have a problem with the fact that he seems to be very critical of NHRA and rarely has anything good to say about the organization.

Why is it that if Billy has an issue with Jon, he should take it up with him and not post it for all the world to read, but if Jon has an issue with NHRA he should write a story about it and most of you claim what a genius he is for publicly calling them out?

It would seem to me that getting a face to face with Jon is possible, with the "NHRA".................not so much.
Can't speak to all of the 'whys' put forth, but from the response Jon gets to his articles which seem to criticize NHRA, I'd say that it looks to me like he speaks for a whole lot of people out there who share his views, publically and/or privately. (Drivers, crew chiefs or owners etc, know better then to do that publically of course. )

Only a hunch however.
I tell ya, good sarcasm just doesn't go very far these day's...did anyone carefully read my entire post, and place it within the context of the previous discussion. Part of that discussion involved real names vs. anonymous attacks under different PC names??? Does that ring a bell??
Joe Sherwood,
My good friend Tim Landis, who is currently battling in Pomona for the SuperGas Championship, was the first person to start calling me "hillbilly" to my face some 10 years ago, a few others realized I didn't punch him out, so they joined in as well. It's a moniker well earned, as I grew up in rural Ok, before moving to Phoenix, so if you meant it as a dig, sorry; it was niether potent or original. You are right, I don't know Jon personally, but I am intimately familiar with his work, as an avid reader of every car magazine I could get my hands on since I was 16, so any opinions I have of Jon's work are fairly strong. The only opinions I have of him personally are based simply on the posts he's entered on this board, I read the entire "magazine debacle" thread from a while ago, and Jon was forthright, thoughtfull, and well spoken throughout.
Thanks for the advise...but you've been to nationals..I mean, there's so many fun things to see and do, awesome people to talk it would be far down on my agenda to look up a journalist, just to tell him he's not my favorite writer.
Posting on a messageboard about how a Particular Journalist (Asher in this case) To quote your last post "cuz Jon already killed every drag racing magazine franchise that has been attempted!! He couldn't carry Geoff Stunkard's notepad!!

Pretty Harsh for sarcasm.....:rolleyes:

I did read the artical that you referenced, I thought it was a great piece of writing, and I told Jon that, both in an email, and in person. But if you re-read it, he doesn't say anything nice about NHRA, he is just relating the Indy experience. IMHO he did a wonderful job of that. I also watched kids (young and old) spinning the wheels of Gilby's truck, and the guys drooling over the HEMI cars etc. But I'm still waiting for the story where Jon says "NHRA did the right thing" or "NHRA did a good job of.......fill in the blank".

I certainly realize that Jon doesn't work for NHRA, and is under no particular obligation to be a cheereader for us, but even the harshest movie critic ocasionally sees a show that he likes.

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Posting on a messageboard about how a Particular Journalist (Asher in this case) To quote your last post "cuz Jon already killed every drag racing magazine franchise that has been attempted!! He couldn't carry Geoff Stunkard's notepad!!

Pretty Harsh for sarcasm.....:rolleyes:

From Miriam-Webster's online dictionary:
Sarcasm Noun: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual.

The above definition would lead me to beleive that harsh would definitely be a part of sarcasm, in fact, an over the top delivery is essential...perhaps I was too subtle for you??

John Jodauga did an excellant job on his 2 "Reader's Choice" articles in this week's ND by the way....
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