Hillary - wicked fast! (2 Viewers)

Lets hope she`s wicked fast on her lights tomorrow. She`s due to win one of these deals, sooner or later.
Today is her day. Nothing but easy Matches today:rolleyes: (right)

rd 1 strasburg
rd 2 JR
semis Grubby
Finals Ant

(oh to be 20 years younger and single)
Sometimes it's a shame anyone has to lose a round of racing but the Strasburgs (and others) worked very hard to prepare that new Hadman car for Sunday and it was great seeing them take the stripe.

As usual, ESPN dissed Mike completely from any possibility of an interview after his win. Was this because they don't have a sponsor or to insure they won't ever have one? I always get confused?
The NHRA can't do any right to some people.:confused: Right or wrong, ESPN needs to interview the drivers with a story. If Mike beat Tony Schumacher in the first round then he probably would have received an interview. Scott Kalitta beat John Force and got and interview, Bob Bode beat the #1 qualifier and received an interview. See a pattern. You have to beat someone who is news worthy.
The NHRA can't do any right to some people.:confused: Right or wrong, ESPN needs to interview the drivers with a story. If Mike beat Tony Schumacher in the first round then he probably would have received an interview. Scott Kalitta beat John Force and got and interview, Bob Bode beat the #1 qualifier and received an interview. See a pattern. You have to beat someone who is news worthy.
Ah yes but in the Diamond P/TNN days all the winners got to talk to Steve. Everyone is news worthy not just the DSRs and JFRs of the world. I give the NHRA suitable props when they do things right, but the current crop of Keystone Kops has been asleep at the switch.

The NHRA can't do any right to some people.:confused:
I know you are more concerned about criticizing my posts than responding appropriately but the NHRA doesn't interview drivers for TV. It's ESPN I was speaking of. The Strasburg family are very good personal friends who give their all to racing. Not only did they purchase a brand new Hadman car to race but they fund the entire operation out of family pockets from a humble business. I felt their qualifying was a story. I felt their winning first round was a bigger story. I felt the opportunity to give such an unsponsored team their "moment in the sun" so to speak, would be quite appropriate. I'm very sorry they didn't.

I'm almost as sorry you follow my posts like a lost puppy dog waiting to jump on them with your constructive criticism. I can't imagine what you would've typed had it been a DSR car they trailered given your quest to find me not worshiping everything Schumacher like you do? Now, are you going to use your "Moderator" authority and remove this post too?

Because of you, I"m about done with this place. It's a shame I can have two hundred great friends sharing common interests to talk/type in a forum where one critic like yourself makes it not worth the visit. Am I really supposed to get used to - or accept your abrasiveness?
If I were the NHRA marketing wizards Id play up Hillary W as the "Queen of Speed". Other that Leigh Breedllove and Kitty O'Neal-at Bonnevile or at least an unlimited distance event- the young lady is the fastest woman on the planet on the ground!.
I agree that Hillary's car is ripping fast speeds BUT who is she representing?
W/out a sponsor to plug the mention is un-worthy to most directors of most media outlets...
The car is running great in qualifying and I am sure they will put it together soon for some round wins..
I know you are more concerned about criticizing my posts than responding appropriately but the NHRA doesn't interview drivers for TV. It's ESPN I was speaking of. The Strasburg family are very good personal friends who give their all to racing. Not only did they purchase a brand new Hadman car to race but they fund the entire operation out of family pockets from a humble business. I felt their qualifying was a story. I felt their winning first round was a bigger story. I felt the opportunity to give such an unsponsored team their "moment in the sun" so to speak, would be quite appropriate. I'm very sorry they didn't.

I'm almost as sorry you follow my posts like a lost puppy dog waiting to jump on them with your constructive criticism. I can't imagine what you would've typed had it been a DSR car they trailered given your quest to find me not worshiping everything Schumacher like you do? Now, are you going to use your "Moderator" authority and remove this post too?

Because of you, I"m about done with this place. It's a shame I can have two hundred great friends sharing common interests to talk/type in a forum where one critic like yourself makes it not worth the visit. Am I really supposed to get used to - or accept your abrasiveness?

Well Bobby, I am sorry if you feel like you need to leave because of my views. I did not single out or you views I was just talking about ESPN's selection of interviews, notice I did not quote your post. I do not know why you are singling me out when I was talking about ESPN/NHRA in general. :confused: Sorry Bobby, but don't say Tony Shumacher is a cheater with illegal heads if you don't have the facts. I am a Bernstein fan, so I don't have any "dogs" in this fight, but I think it unfair to say Tony had illegal heads in Pomona.
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