I've been hearing the Cost of Nitro racing is getting out of hand for the last 15 years! And just like 2000-01 Fuel Racing will once again rebound!
I guess that depends on the definition of
Being a Nitro geezer, I remember in the '60s when Nitro went from $187 to $319 a drum in one jump.We only burned around two gallons a run, but people cried & said they were quiting. Then there were many hundreds of blown fuel cars in the USA. No nation series then ,but we could race several places on a weekend
During the 70s energy crisis,I had a pending sponsorship with Miller beer that went away over night because using gas for racing was viewed as "unpatriotic". People said we were done, but local match racing & division races continued, there were hundreds of fuel cars in the USA..
During the early '80s with interest rates at 15% , NHRA considered eight car Nitro fields, because in those days of early TV, they didn't show first round anyways. But we still had match races at local tracks to support our habit. There were a couple hundred fuel cars in the USA.
During the '90s National event racing grew ,but match racing started to go away,and more sponsor money was needed to fund our addiction.
There was still over a hundred fuel cars in the country.
Now in modern times, National events are the only game in town. We have less than one hundred fuel cars left. Nitro match racing is all but dead. But "classic nitro" is trying to come back. (we have a car ready to run). Plus injected cars came back.
These classic cars might cause the local tracks to bring back match racing, and will add to the overall blown Nitro car count , but I don't think we are going to see several hundred Nitro cars in the country ever again. Lets not mention the Homeland group & our future!
Unless more guys can find funding, be happy with the "DON & JOHN" show, and around forty "big" cars at NHRA.
At least we can still get a "fix".