This thread is a non-issue.
i'm glad i am not the only one that read this and thought....."Who gives a $h!t"
This thread is a non-issue.
It's all about room, how would Coil look in a focus, with John sitting on his lap?
It's all about room, how would Coil look in a focus, with John sitting on his lap?
This thread is a non-issue.
I am sorry if I over-reacted... it was the "required" part that set me off. As you may have noticed, I have some issues about things that I feel are an infringement on certain rights. While I am sure you didn't mean it that way, sometimes I feel that people are too willing to create rules that have other far-reaching consequences.
I don't promise not to react in the future, but I will promise to think a little longer about it before I do. Deal?
This thread is a non-issue.
Ah, Come on Ginnna, if more people thought before they posted, some of the humor would leave the site!
Even though this is somewhat of a dumb thread here is the straight scoop.
The JFR support vehicles are replaced every two years and rack up about 45,000 miles per year. The new ones just arrived at the Yorba Linda shop and they are the long version of the Expedition.
I'm not paid to think, and there is a short between brain, mouth, and typing finger, yes finger as in 1 each, non-adjustable, with a mind of it's own.
makes for some interesting dinner conversations with myself...
see avatar
Paid or not, my mind is usually going... it takes warm sun or a good buzz to slow it down... or stop it... leads to thinking like insomnia, foot in mouth, forgetting to hush my mouth, bad puns and a whole host of social crimes. The fingers are merely dyslexic.
Even though this is somewhat of a dumb thread here is the straight scoop.
The JFR support vehicles are replaced every two years and rack up about 45,000 miles per year. The new ones just arrived at the Yorba Linda shop and they are the long version of the Expedition.
The excursions I saw in LA, Vegas ans Sonoma were gas powered.